All I’m Saying Is — and I Think Guys Would Agree — I WANT TO BE STRANDED ON THAT FREAKING ISLAND!


You Ever Wonder How Ordinary Romans Felt During the Fall of the Republic?

On April 16, 2014, while Biden was vice president, he met with Hunter’s business partner, Devon Archer, at the White House. Five days later, Biden travelled to Ukraine to lobby for increased fracking, a process he has otherwise strongly opposed. Burisma was one of the few companies licensed to frack in Ukraine. After Biden’s trip, Burisma made hundreds of millions of dollars from Ukraine’s acquiescence to his requests. The day after Biden’s return, Archer joined the Burisma board, followed three weeks later by Hunter. Burisma paid more than $4,000,000 for Hunter’s and Archer’s board memberships, including at least $1,450,000 wired directly to Hunter’s accounts.

In 2016, while Hunter and Archer were serving on Burisma’s board, Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was investigating Burisma and its owner. In his official position as vice president, Biden demanded Ukraine fire Shokin, and threatened to withdraw $1 billion in U.S. military aid if it did not do so. Shokin was fired.

While serving on the Burisma board, Hunter and Archer sought meetings with senior State Department officials, including then-Secretary of State John Kerry and then-Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Emails showing cooperation between Blinken and Hunter have been made public.

Since taking office as president, Joe has authorized more than $75 billion of aid to Ukraine.

Scammer in Chief
American Mind | 06.20.2023 | Kenin M. Spivak

IMAO Staff Meeting in Progress

Hey — I Learned a Useful Scientific Fact on the Internet Today

In case you ever find yourself in a situation.

“They can at any time reduce their consumption of oxygen by 20%.”

Actually, no. A dead body consumes more oxygen in a closed space (until putrefaction is complete) and also produces methane and other poison gasses.

If they could kill a passenger and throw the body out it would increase the supply of oxygen – but a dead body inside that thing would kill everyone else faster.

“Where Does One Get a Compliance Agreement, Tovarich?” “Shut Up!”

Florida City Under Quarantine After Deadly Giant African Snail Detected
nypost | 6/20/2023 | Katherine Donleavy

State officials placed part of a Florida city under quarantine Tuesday as they race to eradicate the invasive, parasite-carrying invasive giant African snail.

The 3.5-mile section of Miramar in Broward County — located just 11 miles west of Hollywood — will be covered in a metaldehyde-based molluscicide to exterminate the insects after a giant African snail was found in the area earlier this month.

Residents will be able to move out of the treatment area freely but are prevented from moving any plant-based supplies that could harbor the mammoth mollusk’s eggs.

“Under the quarantine, it is unlawful to move a giant African land snail or a regulated article, including, but not limited to, plants, plant parts, plants in soil, soil, yard waste, debris, compost or building materials, within, through or from the defined quarantine area without a compliance agreement,” the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services announced.

Destructive / harmful / resource-depleting — check

Illegal — check

Alien — check

Non-human — you racist homophobe!

Straight Line of the Day: What Do Bill Gates and Xi Jinping Talk About When They Get Together?

Xi Jinping Meets With ‘Old Friend’ Bill Gates in Beijing
France 24 | 6/16/23

Beijing (AFP) – President Xi Jinping told his “old friend” Bill Gates on Friday that China had always placed its hopes in the American people, after the Microsoft co-founder’s foundation pledged $50 million to help Chinese efforts to battle disease.

Gates — one of the world’s richest men — is the latest in a string of Western business leaders to visit China since the country ended strict Covid controls that largely closed it off from the world for almost three years.

The visit is Gates’ first to China in four years, and included a rare sit-down between the Chinese head of state and a foreign business leader.

“You are the first American friend I have met in Beijing this year,” Xi told Gates in Beijing, according to the state-run People’s Daily.

Welcome to IMAO! All I’m Saying Is If Your Barber Needs Carpenters and Skilled Mechanics, He’s Got a Whole Other Thing Going On

Moon Nukers Assemble!

The question is, what ent wrong?

Cartoons and Memes

“Good morning Miss Welch, some yoga I see.”

“Always pays to be flexible.”

“I love the dividends.”

“Don’t you want to stretch as well?”

“I think I already pulled something. You got the winner and the new entries?’

“I most certainly got ’em.”

“No argument from me. Proceed.”



This week’s entries.











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