Friday Night Open Thread

Fangbeer and Gene got really smart last week, and so did Walrus.

Fangbeer and Walrus posted really smart videos about electronics and dialecticism.

Here’s your chance to even out the average.

IMAO Staff Meeting in Progress

Let’s Suppose for a Moment That You’re the Only Guy in the Bar To Order a Bud Light

Straight Line of the Day: NYC Mayor Adams Has Backed Off on His Offer To House Illegal Aliens in His Mansion. Instead, He’ll…

Not the Adams family! NYC Mayor Eric now backs OUT of pledge to house migrants at Gracie Mansion over ‘legal issues’
Daily Mail | 6/15/23 | Sophie Mann

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is backing out of his promise to put up illegal migrants in Gracie Mansion, citing ‘legal issues.’

Back in January, Adams claimed he was ‘leading from the front’ by offering up the official mayoral residence to house some of the thousands of undocumented migrants flooding into his city each month.

‘I don’t have a problem if I can put a migrant family in Gracie Mansion because I want to lead from the front.

‘That’s the type of leader I am,’ he said.

But now, he claims red tape is thwarting the mayor from moving forward with his leadership.

On Thursday, at City Hall, Adams told reporters that perhaps it was his offer to house the migrants that really mattered the most in the end.

‘I think leading the challenge of the migrant problem is both substantive and symbolic and as I always said, ‘Good generals lead from the front,’’ he said.

‘They don’t send their troops into battle and ask, ‘How was the war?’ They lead them into battle. The symbolism of saying, ‘I’m willing to put a homeless family in Gracie’ is that symbolism,’ he continued.

According to the New York Post, Adams complained that ‘legal issues’ were thwarting his attempt to house the migrants and that the city Law Department hasn’t been able to overcome them.

He did not elaborate on the precise issues that have placed a hard pause on his effort to place migrants in the Upper East Side mansion in the park.

We are never going to break the law. And so, we’d be able to know what we can’t do and what we can’t do as a symbolism of saying, ‘I’m willing to open up the people’s house to the people of the city,” he said.

Even Kamala Harris seemed perplexed at what he was trying to say.

Welcome to IMAO! Well, I’ll Be: If It Isn’t John C. Garand Himself

Library of Congress

Friday Classic Funny

“Why Miss Derek, I appear to be seeing triple!”

“Well sir, just trying to make up for the paucity of the Far Side.”

“Keep up the good work.”

“Will do sir. I am also breaking out the emergency rations of Monthy Python skits.

“Oh well done indeed.”