Hopelessly Incompetent

Why hasn’t the D.O.J. raided me yet for promoting and spreading mockery of the U.S. political and judicial system?

I’m surprised that isn’t already a charge enShrinered in the U.S. Code.

Well, I see this as a radiant example of their incompetence — think Motor Vehicles Department — not as a result of any mitigation of their evil anti-First-Amendment gestapoism. If I ranted against trans-gay storyteller homo castration-recruiting groomers, I would have been long, long gone by now. They just lack the motivation and that ol’ 9-to-5 will.

What the heck am I saying? Go after Walrus, first, feds! He’s the ringleader! He made me do it!

They got Harvey. That’s all I’m saying.


  1. Thats nothing..two days ago I had a couple of Mounties show up at the house…I was in full on DefCon 4 panic mode…then they told me they just needed water for their horses…

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