Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

“Good evening Mr. Walrus got the goods for you today.”

“Me likey.”

“Me confused. I have last week’s winner and the new entries.”






This week’s entries











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Honorary MoonNuker — But Loses Points for Wasting Pizza

New York City Hall Pelted With Pizza in Anti-Woke Wood Oven Backlash
Newsweek | 6/27/2023 | James Bickerton

A protester pelted New York City Hall with pizza slices on Monday, following reports pizzerias in the city will be required to slash carbon emissions in a move that could hit coal and wood burning ovens.

The demonstrator, conservative artist and activist Scott LoBaido, posted a video of the incident on Twitter(snip)

LoBaido’s protest follows a draft proposal from the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), which would require pizza joints to cut emissions by up to 75 percent in a bid to improve air quality.

The protest began with LoBaido walking up to a gate outside the City Hall in lower Manhattan with four boxes of pizzas.

Speaking to the camera from a script he comments: “The woke-a** idiots who run this city are doing everything in their power to destroy it. We have naked men with their t****** bouncing around all over the city yesterday in public, in front of children. We have the most violent raging crime rate ever.

“We are being invaded by illegal immigrants who are being treated way better than our homeless veterans. Our teachers and first responder heroes who were fired [are] still not compensated because they didn’t take the Fauci injection.

“Our city schools produce the dumbest kids, and the woke-a** punks who run New York City are afraid of pizza. The world used to respect New Yorkers as tough, thick-skinned and gritty. Now we have become p******. It’s a damn shame. You heard of the Boston tea party? Well, this is the New York pizza party. Give us pizza, or give us death!”

My Lord, It’s Just Like a Modern Fairy Tale! (I Refuse To Have That Term Corrupted)

Man Gets Entire Plane to Himself After No One Else Shows Up for Horribly Delayed Flight

Indy 100 via MSN | Harriet Brewis | 6/26/2023

No fighting for overhead locker space, no awkward toilet waits – one man has revealed how he enjoyed the ultimate dream flight after becoming the only passenger on board.

Phil Stringer explained how his flight from Oklahoma City to Charlotte, North Carolina was delayed by 18 hours, but rather than give up on the journey he decided to endure the long wait.

His patience paid out dividends when he rocked up at the departure gate to find he was the only person there – but the flight still went ahead.

Originally scheduled for 6.20am on Sunday, it finally took off after midnight, and Stringer became king of the skies: with his pick of first class seats and the finest food and drink American Airlines has to offer.

Stewardess buffet!

What’s not up with the hair? In the locked and upright position? Guarantee they’re going to sit in front of me.

Two Topics of Discussion: (1) Working From Home, and (2) Does Author Gleb Tsipursky Ever Make a Reservation Over the Phone Without Massive Misunderstandings?

‘No way I’m going back in the office’: Farmers Insurance told workers they’d be WFH permanently. Now they need to come in 3 days a week
MSN | 28 June 2023 | Braden Bjella

The return to in-office work has not gone well. As detailed by Entrepreneur, companies that have forced workers back into the office are currently facing a litany of issues ranging from employee dissatisfaction to difficulty hiring.

“Unispace finds that nearly half (42%) of companies that mandated office returns witnessed a higher level of employee attrition than they had anticipated,” writes author Gleb Tsipursky. “And almost a third (29%) of companies enforcing office returns are struggling with recruitment.”

For the companies who are considering returning to the office, the outlook isn’t great.

“According to the same Greenhouse report, a staggering 76% of employees stand ready to jump ship if their companies decide to pull the plug on flexible work schedules,” Tsipursky details. “Moreover, employees from historically underrepresented groups are 22% more likely to consider other options if flexibility goes out the window.”

Even though the data shows that ending remote work will bring issues for companies, that hasn’t stopped several major companies from trying. One such company is Farmers, which captured headlines and sparked reactions across the internet after reversing its remote work policy and forcing employees to come into the office 3 days a week.

Straight Line of the Day: After the Initial Confusion, On Day Two on Gilligan’s Island…

Welcome to IMAO! We Offer Our Design for the Next D-Day Landing Craft
