Yay Freedom!

Yay Free People!

Parents Pull Daughters From Sports Team Over Safety Concerns After Boy Deemed Allowed To Compete
Daily Caller News Foundation | August 11, 2023 | Reagan Reese

Parents are planning on pulling their daughters off a Wisconsin high school sports team after a male has been allowed to compete..

About 50 parents and athletes within Green Bay Area Public School District met with officials Thursday who told them that a male would be allowed to compete on a high school sports team and potentially use locker rooms on the basis of gender identity rather than biological sex

With tryouts starting Monday, some girls do not plan to attend over concerns for their physical safety.

“The girls are just kind of fed up hearing that your safety is our top concern from all these people and they’re really doing nothing about it,” Ryan Gusick, a parent with a daughter on the sports team..

The name of the school and the sport is not being named by local outlets reporting the story for safety concerns.

Gee whiz, they wouldn’t do that if it was trans activists making the protest.

In the meeting, the district told the parents that the male student would be allowed to compete on the team if the student meets Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association regulations, which requires male-to-female transgender athletes take testosterone suppression therapy for at least one year, NBC 26 reported. The school district’s transgender policy states that students should not be kept from participating in sports and that students looking to compete on the basis of gender identity will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

“The Green Bay Area Public School District cares about the well-being of every student,” the school district said in a statement to the outlet. “All decisions regarding a student’s ability to participate in co-curricular athletics/activities are made in accordance with Title IX law, Board policy, and WIAA regulations.”

Throughout the country, parents, school boards and lawmakers are debating …

… without being named, apparently

… whether sports teams should be separated on the basis of biological sex rather than gender identity; in Virginia, the high school sports authority announced that it will reject recent state guidance which requires sports teams to be separated on the basis of biological sex rather than gender identity. Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill that prevents men from competing on women’s sports teams in college.

“I think it really reaffirmed the fact that they’re just not going to play,” Gusick told NBC 26 following the meeting with the district. “They’re too concerned mostly about the locker room situation in itself, and the safety concern.”

I like the high school girls sports locker room situation. Sue me.

Related news — [and, I might add, by a liberal site]:

Female Volleyball Player Testifies to Physical, Mental Trauma Since Injury by Trans Athlete
MSN | 4-20-23 | Caroline Downey

A female high school volleyball player who was injured while competing against a male player last year testified Tuesday to the mental and physical trauma she’s dealt with since the incident.

Speaking during a committee hearing of the North Carolina legislature, Payton McNabb, a senior at Hiwassee Dam High School in the state, recounted the lingering injuries she’s suffered from since she was struck in the face by a ball that was spiked by a male competitor in a match last September.

“I suffered a concussion and neck injury that to this day I’m still recovering from,” she said. Other injuries she’s still living with include impaired vision and partial paralysis on the right side of her body, she said. McNabb has also experienced anxiety and depression.

On Wednesday, North Carolina lawmakers passed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which would prohibit male athletes from competing in the female division of school sports. Transgender students can still participate in co-ed sports or those that match the sex they were assigned at birth.

“I was unable to play the rest of my last volleyball season, and although I am currently playing softball, I was not able to perform as well as I have in the past because of the injury,” McNabb said.

She spoke alongside former University of Kentucky star swimmer Riley Gaines, who faced and tied with Lia Thomas — a biological male — at the NCAA championship women’s race.

But Moon Nukers Seem To Be the Kind That Can Make Sense of This

The “Demon Particle”: Have Scientists Discovered the Impossible? – Study
Jerusalem Post | 8/13/23

Physicists have discovered a transparent, massless, and neutral “demon” particle that could help scientists understand superconductors better, according to a new study by researchers from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

The study, published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, focused on the search for a particle first theorized by physicist David Pines in 1956.

In solids, electrons act erratically, combining into collective units. If enough energy is input, the electrons can form plasmons – waves that act somewhat like a particle (also known as a quasiparticle) – if enough energy is input, although usually, the mass of solids is too large for plasmons (units of plasma, also theorized by Pines along with David Bohm in 1952) to form at room temperature.

I just like saying “Demon particle” and “plasmon.” Impresses topless hotties in bars.

Well — Moon Nukers Don’t Seem the Type To Be Gulping Down Skittles Anyway

Skittles Faces Backlash After It Partners With GLAAD and Puts ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ on Its Packaging
UK Daily Mail | 08/11/2023 | Fiona Connor

Candy brand Skittles is facing backlash after partnering with GLAAD and altering some of its packaging to include ‘Black Trans Lives Matter’ messaging.

Images of the packet on social media prompted an outpouring of criticism on Twitter today, with many likening the ‘woke’ marketing to Dylan Mulvaney being used in Bud Light advertising.

It’s the fourth year Skittles has teamed up with GLAAD (the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) to ‘support the LGBTQ+ community by amplifying and celebrating their stories’, according to Skittles’ official website.

In a series of limited edition Pride Packs, the candy company has ditched its staple color wheel and opted for a toned-down packet with an illustration.

In previous years, the packets were all-gray to ‘represent the brand’s cemented efforts of support’, however last year the concept was changed to include work from five LGBTQ+ artists.

They were asked to create original designs which represented how they “see the rainbow” every day.

“See the rainbow” in gray tints? They don’t see their own insanity, again?

Judge Smails To Rule on Trump Indictment

And Joe Biden and Kamala Harris To Present Reasonable Arguments

Proof Positive That Ukranians Vote Republican

Monthly Intake of Refugees From Ukraine to the United States from October 2021 to June 2023
Statista.com | 7/17/2023

In June 2023, the United States accepted 129 refugees from Ukraine. In fiscal year 2022 – which ended September 30, 2022 – the U.S. accepted a total of 1,610 Ukrainian refugees.

In April 2022, the United States committed itself to welcoming 100,000 Ukrainian citizens and others fleeing Russian aggression in the region, but has so far only accepted 2,402 since the Russian invasion in February last year.

What Is Most Amusing — As Hilarious As This Story Is — Is The Fact That This News Outlet Does Not Speak English

Electric Third Rail Shocks Two Lollapalooza Attendees Taking Selfies on Chicago Train Ttracks
Daily Mail | 8/14/23 | Alex Hammer

Horrifying footage shows the moment two Lollapalooza-goers were shocked by the third rail of a Chicago train – after entering the unauthorized area to take a series of photos.

Disturbing video circulating on social media shows the pair – as well as another member of their group – sitting on tracks and attempting to take a selfie, before a male member of the party leans back and is zapped with 600 volts.

He is then seen hauling a girl next to him on top of himself as he goes rigid with pain, shocking her in the process. The incident at 7.30pm [?] left both victims, an unnamed man and woman, hospitalized on August 5, with the former in critical condition.

Neither have been identified, but first responders who rushed to the scene, at Chicago Transit Authority’s Ridgeland Green Line station to rescue the pair said they are both in their 20s.

The two, who officials said had been making their way to the festival in Grant Park, were ultimately pulled off the rail by another member of the group, who managed to avoid being seriously electrocute [sic?] but appeared to brave at least one shock [?] while trying to rescue his companions.

In the now circulating footage [?], the duo are seen going limp after sitting on the dangerous, current-providing rail, through which a constant stream of voltage is funneled perpetually. [?]

He is seen fighting through what appear to be a series of shocks himself as he struggles to heave his companions’ dead weight – eventually doing with the help of several other straphangers, apparent horrified by what they have seen.

The footage is incredibly graphic, and shows how the travelers had gone onto the tracks to take pictures, with the girl – who was also hospitalized…

Straight Line of the Day: To Make This Woman’s Day Even More Bizarre, …

“Help Me, Jesus!”: Snake Falls Out of Sky, Lands on Woman, Then Both Attacked by a Hawk
Click2Houston | 8/5/23 | Andrea Slaydon

A snake fell out of the sky and landed on a woman mowing her yard.

The bizarre incident didn’t stop there. Peggy Jones was then attacked by a hawk.

Jones was on her tractor mowing at her home in Silsbee, near Beaumont on Tuesday afternoon. She describes how suddenly a snake fell on her, wrapping around her arm.

“The snake was squeezing so hard, and I was waving my arms in the air. And then, this hawk was swooping down clawing at my arm over and over,” explains Peggy Jones. “I just kept saying, ‘Help me, Jesus, Help me, Jesus.’’

Welcome to IMAO! Did Someone Remember To Turn That Thing Offf?

Caption This! Vacation Filler

Hey — I Got This From Microsoft When I Typed in “Female” in the Search Option:

An organism’s sex is female (symbol: ♀) if it produces the ovum (egg cell), the type of gamete (sex cell) that fuses with the male gamete (sperm cell) during sexual reproduction.

A female has larger gametes than a male. Females and males are results of the anisogamous reproduction system, wherein gametes are of different sizes (unlike isogamy where they are the same size). The exact mechanism of female gamete evolution remains unknown.

“The exact mechanism of female gamete evolution remains unknown”? What are these scientists doing with their time?

In species that have males and females, sex-determination may be based on either sex chromosomes, or environmental conditions. Most female mammals, including female humans, have two X chromosomes. Female characteristics vary between different species, with some species having pronounced secondary female sex characteristics, such as the presence of pronounced mammary glands in mammals.

In humans, the word female can also be used to refer to gender in the social sense of gender role or gender identity.

Why doesn’t a Supreme Court justice have access to this info?