Um, Well, They’ll Be Declared Victims of Suicide

All of them.

COVID victims’ families sue NYC-based EcoHealth for ‘funding, releasing’ virus
New York Post | August 12, 2023 | Jacob Geanous

The families of four people who died from COVID-19 are suing the Manhattan-based nonprofit that funded coronavirus research in China for “creating” the bug — and “releasing it, either intentionally or accidentally.”

EcoHealth Alliance and its president, Peter Daszak, knew the virus was dangerous and “capable of causing a worldwide pandemic,” according to the Aug. 2 Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit.

Despite partially-funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where the virus originated, EcoHealth failed to make sure critical safety measures were in place — then worked to cover up the origins of the outbreak, they claimed in court papers.

“If we had known the source or origin of this virus and had not been misled that it was from a pangolin in a wet market, and rather we knew that it was a genetically manipulated virus, and that the scientists involved were concealing that from our clients, the outcome could have been very different,” Patricia Finn, the victims’ attorney, told The Post.

Any Teachers in the Audience?

Letters to the Editor: Why Calls To Restore Discipline in the Classroom Are Troubling
LA Times | Aug 12, 2023

To the editor: A letter to the editor written by an educator of more than 30 years suggested three strategies to attract young people to the teaching profession. As a fellow educator of more than 30 years, I was horrified.

The second suggestion was to restore authority and order to classrooms. Studies show that authority and order tend to fall heaviest on students of color and low-income and disabled students.

… And why might that be?

Who funded the studies?

And who were those impartial sifters of information conducting the studies without a political agenda?

Ha! Ha Ha! AhaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

Ha Ha Ha!

New Sports Teams in Cities Linked to up to 25% More Flu Deaths, Study Says
Nypost | 08/12/2023 | Matthew Sedacca

New pro sports teams bring more than a rooting interest to American cities — they also sparked a spike in flu deaths, according to a new study.

Flu mortality jumped as much as nearly 25% in cities that picked up new sports franchises in baseball, basketball, football or hockey, economists at the West Virginia University found. “It’s important for sports fans to realize that there is some additional risk that they’re taking, now that we’re all acutely aware of airborne virus transmission or respiratory virus transmission…when they decide to go to a sporting event,” Brad Humphreys, a WVU economics professor and co-author of the study published in the journal Sports Economic Review, told The Post.

The author:

Take-Away Line of the Day: I’m Not Wild About Kentucky Fried Chicken Either, But …

… I’m not wilding about it, either.

UK’s Most Violent KFCs Revealed: The Fried Chicken Restaurants Where the MOST Mayhem Kicked Off Last Year
MailOnline | 5 August 2023 | Oliver Price

EXCLUSIVE: Data shows assaults at KFCs nearly every day in England and Wales

Most violent branch of the chain has been revealed as in Brixton, South London

KFC fast food restaurants in England and Wales were the scene of a violent assault nearly every day of the year in 2022, new police crime logs reveal.

Staff at the fried chicken takeaway joints face year-round aggression from angry and irate customers, and have to deal with punch-ups breaking out between diners.

Now, new police data has revealed the most violent KFC branch is the one in Brixton, South London.

The data gives details of incidents including employees being pelted with their own chicken by angry diners and one terrifying moment where staff had to barricade the doors from a mob of rampaging youths.

Fights have started inside the restaurants that have seen customers kicking and punching one another, with some disputes carrying on inside after being triggered by a car parking row outside.

The survey, carried out by, uncovered a total of 297 assault incidents logged last year by police at KFC restaurants in England and Wales.

However, as 10 of the 44 police forces were unable to provide data the true total could be even higher.

London logged a total of 37 punch-ups at KFCs last year, with the most being recorded at the branch in Brixton Road, south London.

Videos shows how this chicken shop was the scene of chaotic fight when a woman in hair rollers chucked a wet floor cone over the counter at a worker before attempting to grab her.

The footage of the KFC in Brixton, shot in July 2019, shows the evening dispute between the two women escalate into a full-blown fight.

Having read this story, now I’m kind of interested in why one quarter of Britain’s police forces were unable to provide to the press the locations where incidents occurred.

Are the police neutral public servants, or are they political parties? What are they choosing to hide, and why?

Welcome to IMAO! PSA – You Can Now Get an Anti-Headache Cap for $3.00

Those storage batteries may be able to power your electric vehicle, too, so that’s another headache gone.

Caption This!