Friday Night Open Threat

Since you don’t own an F-35, I assume you don’t pose any threat to our gov — wait a minute: Trump is charged with questioning things and asking people to watch videos. Maybe you do pose a threat to our government?

Whatever you do, don’t post any information about it here. Talk about pro-America things like movies, or guns, or . . . belay that.

Commie News — We’ve Got Your IMAO Commie News

So, What Happened to Xi Jinping at the BRICS Summit?
Hotair | 08/23/2023 | John Sexton

The BRICS summit is taking place in South Africa this week. BRICS started out as BRIC for Brazil, Russia, India and China but has since added South Africa.


The group of nations doesn’t have much in common except a generalized sense of grievance over the US being the most powerful country in the world.

Why not call the group “WAAAAH”?

In Johannesburg, a big topic of conversation will be the outsize influence of the U.S. dollar in the global economy.

[Certainly not in the U.S. economy. It doesn’t even buy a quarter of a gallon of gas.]

Talk of “de-dollarization” is rife among exponents of the BRICS, even though not formally on the summit’s agenda. Some have floated a rival BRICS-backed currency to challenge the greenback’s supremacy. But the invention of a new BRICS currency is wildly ambitious — and probably unfeasible — and the summit is expected to focus instead on options to expand the use of local currencies in trade between bloc members. Dollar-strapped countries like Argentina have already started dealing in the Chinese yuan in certain transactions.

“Why does Brazil need the dollar to trade with China or Argentina? We can trade in our currency,” Lula told reporters recently, before casting the BRICS bank as a more just potential actor on the world stage than U.S.-led institutions like the International Monetary Fund.


Wait: if Argentina is in the mix, shouldn’t it be BRICSA-A?

Or CRIBSAAbies??

[Oppo sips martini contentedly, contemplating his wisdom while eating the olive with a toothpick]

So the general idea of this conference is for these countries to get together as a kind of vague rival to the G7 or the G20. What you don’t want at a meeting like this is signs of confusion or possible problems behind the scenes.

And now, the reason I posted this: the Pythonesque arabesques from the diplomatic corps[e]

But this week China is experiencing both. First, there was this incident in which a Chinese aide seen running after Xi Jinping was stopped by security who, it seems, didn’t know who he was. As you can see in this clip, Xi seems confused and stops and looks back.

Good enough, but:

At BRICS summit, South African security officers stop Chinese President Xi Jinping’s officials who were trying to make their way in. Literally had to close the doors, prompting the Chinese President to look back several times.

— Sidhant Sibal (@sidhant) August 23, 2023

And the capper:

It turns out the man who got body slammed into a door was Xi’s translator. You can see the same small guy with glasses in this earlier video shot upon Xi’s arrival.

“You stop body-slamming me now!”

News Channel To Show Speeded-Up Video of Biden, Accompanied by “Yakkity Sax,” To Boost Ratings

Internships, Clarified

In response to something DamnCat just mentioned . . .

What Is an Internship?

An internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to a student’s field of study or career interest. An internship gives a student the opportunity for career exploration and development, and to learn new skills. It offers the employer the opportunity to bring new ideas and energy into the workplace, develop talent and potentially build a pipeline for future full-time employees. A quality internship:

  • Consists of a part-time or full-time work schedule that includes no more than 25% clerical or administrative duties.
  • Provides a clear job/project description for the work experience.
  • Orients the student to the organization, its culture and proposed work assignment(s).
  • Helps the student develop and achieve learning goals.
  • Offers regular feedback to the student intern.

What is the difference between an internship, cooperative education (co-op), and research experience?

Internships are supervised, structured learning experiences in a professional setting that allow you to gain valuable work experience in a student’s chosen field of study. Internships require a minimum of 120 hours (typically, at least 10 hours per week during the fall and spring and either part-time or full-time during the summer).

Student Interns Expect:

  • To gain real work experience and provide meaningful assistance to the company. They don’t want to be gophers!
  • To have a mentor who provides guidance, feedback, receptiveness and models professionalism.
  • To gain experience and skills in a particular field.
  • To develop professional contacts.
  • To gain exposure to upper management.
  • To receive an orientation to the company for which they are interning. This introduces the student to the company’s mission and goals and provides them with information about company rules, regulations and procedures. It also introduces the intern to fellow employees who they can go to in the future with questions.

Benefits of Hiring an Intern:

New, Sharper Blades on Windmills Make Deli-gle Slices

Windfall for wind farms

Any Other Teachers in the Audience?

This one has to do more with Journalistic Inchoatic writing than the teaching profession.

Did the author have Intention Deficit Disorder?

Sigh … And yes, the original headline in the Daily Mail used the word “Student” instead of “Students.”

A Confirmative Action employee.

Florida School Principal Donelle Evensen Called Out for Assembly Threatening High-Achieving Black Student With Jail If They Do Not Improve Their Test Scores
Daily Mail UK | August 24, 2023 | Dominic Yeatman

A new school principal has outraged parents at a Florida elementary after she attempted to improve grades by ordering only her black students into a special assembly where they were warned they risk jail.

The fourth and fifth-grade students at Bunnell Elementary School were pulled together, irrespective of their test scores, and told that black students were underperforming.

‘It became racial for me when they included and boxed all of the black children together no matter if they were below average, average or above average,’ the mother of one high-performing student said.

Parents said their children were warned those with lower grades have a higher chance of going to jail, getting shot or getting killed.

But they were offered the chance to win ‘a meal from McDonalds’ if they improved their scores.

‘Now when my daughter has to go take a test, that’s in the back of her mind,’ parent Jacinda Arrington told WOFL.

‘They segregated our kids in 2023, they segregated our nine-year-olds.’

The school in Flagler county has 227 black and 696 whites among its 1,168 students and was allocated an overall C grade by the Florida Department of Education last year.

Principal Donelle Evensen only stepped into the role at the end of July but she has already been hauled into the office of school district interim superintendent LaShakia Moore.

‘I’ve had the opportunity to sit down with Bunnell Elementary Principal Donelle Evensen following an assembly of 4th and 5th-grade students,’ Ms Moore wrote in a statement.

‘We have been able to talk about what led to this assembly and steps that were or were not taken before or after it.

‘In speaking with Mrs. Evensen, it is clear there was no malice intended in planning this student outreach.

‘However, sometimes, when you try to think “outside the box”, you forget why the box is there.’

Words to live by.

This Whole Era, Summed Up in Three Lines

From a comment on a website:

There has never been a U.S. President so obviously and thoroughly corrupt. It is shameful.

Media response: “But there’s no evidence.”
Democrat response: “Let’s indict Trump.”
GOP response: “I’m going to write a stern letter.”

Fun Fact About “I Am the Walrus”

Just listened to “I Am the Walrus” on YouTube.

There are over 8,000 comments on the video, but one caught my attention:

Fun fact: This song passes through all natural major chords (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)

People like fun facts.

Straight Line of the Day: News You Can Abuse

Spider With Erection-Inducing Bite Shuts Down Supermarket, But Owners Insist Store Is Safe To Reopen | August 11, 2023 | Peter Aitken

An Austrian supermarket reopened following a three-day closure to clear the store due to an alleged sighting of a spider with a deadly bite that could also cause an hourslong erection.

The Penny Markt in Krems an der Donau closed Tuesday after the store manager spotted the spider in a banana box and immediately called the fire brigade to investigate.

The manager described the spider as about 4 inches long and colored black and red. The authorities initially suspected it was a banana spider, but previous cases of spiders in bananas from South America have identified the spider specifically as the Brazilian Wandering Spider.

Welcome to IMAO! An Ancient Barbecue That Was So Good, They Had To Commemorate It in Stone

Friday Classic Funny

“Miss Cates good to see you again.”

“Yes sir, me too. Looks like Miss Derek did not make it in today.”

“Well you know what they say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

“Did something happen in Vegas?”

“Not saying. So we got more Python?”

“Indeed we do sir.”
