“Dramatic Uptick”

“Need To Reinstate Lockdowns, Mask Mandates, and Vaccine Mandates — Now or Around, Say, Election Time” — Press and President

99% of (Current) ‘Covid Deaths’ Not Primarily Caused by the Virus, CDC Data Shows
Daily Mail UK | 28 August 2023 | Alexa Lardieri

In week ending August 19, Covid was primary cause in just 1.7% of virus deaths During peak of pandemic, 30% of virus deaths listed Covid as the primary cause.

Nearly 99 percent of ‘Covid deaths’ reported by the CDC each week are not primarily caused by the virus, official data shows.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Covid dashboard shows just 1.7 percent of the 324 Covid deaths registered in the week ending August 19 had the coronavirus as the primary cause of death.

The figures suggest just a handful of American lives are being lost directly to the virus each week. For comparison, the virus was [reported as being] behind one in three ‘Covid deaths’ at America’s pandemic peak in 2021.

The primary or underlying cause of death is defined as the disease, situation or event that initiated the chain of events directly resulting in death.

Are You Freaking Kidding Me? Then, Pre-Civil War Slaves Should Be Renamed “Artisanal Cotton Pickers”

In Quest for Battery Metals, U.S. Takes On Cobalt’s ‘Inconvenient Truth’
Wall St Journal via MSN | 24 Aug 2023 | Alexandra Wexler, Yusuf Khan

The U.S. is turning to a much-criticized source as it races to secure supplies of battery metals to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles.

To do so, it is homing in on cobalt from the Democratic Republic of Congo’s informal mining sector, where miners, sometimes including children, often work with no safety equipment in dangerous, hand-dug mines. Congo supplies around 70% of the world’s cobalt, a key metal in the lithium-ion batteries used in EVs, with about a third of that coming from these so-called artisanal miners.

The U.S. Agency for International Development said earlier this year that it would issue grants to companies that source critical minerals from Congo and were willing to support artisanal miners. Meanwhile, the Labor Department has been working with officials in the country to help improve working conditions and oversight.

Women and Priorities Hardest IT?

Don’t You Fret, Scientists: Women Will Always Possess Ways of Spreading the Wealth Around

… and since when are there only two sexes, not 57? When it’s convenient?

AI Will Destroy More Female Jobs Than Male, Study Finds
EU Observer | 29 Aug 2023 | Paula Soler

“Any form of technological transition would have a strongly gendered effect, with a badly managed process disproportionately harming women,” reads the report.

About four percent of global female employment is subject to potential automation through generative AI technologies, compared to only 1.4 percent of male employment.

Tell that to restaurant waitresses. Airline stewardesses. Store clerks. Babysitters. Nurses. Midwives. No, don’t fret for their futures. Be sure to include them in the projected statistics about AI taking over jobs.

I don’t see anyone going to a “Computers” restaurant across the street from a Hooters.

And for female business staff, corporate executives, cops, and airline pilots — well, they don’t have to worry if they’re just as qualified as any old male, right? So that’s a wash, as far as AI goes.

A good female engineer will always have a good job.

And a poorly-performing female VP “AI Czar” (who’s trying to pander to women’s votes with sexist new AI regulations) will always lose one.

Straight Line of the Day: Joe Biden Needs Some New Pseudonyms for Emailing. Suggestions?

Whoa: National Archives Acknowledges Having 5,400 Joe Biden Pseudonym Emails
PJ Media | 08/29/2023 | Matt Margolis

Earlier this month, it was reported that Joe Biden “allegedly” used a pseudonymous email account while serving as vice president. According to reports, Biden went by the names Robert L. Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware . . .”

On Monday, the National Archives and Records Administration acknowledged that it does indeed have as many as 5,400 of these emails, which Joe Biden reportedly used to forward government information and discuss business with his son, Hunter Biden. 

Welcome to IMAO! Very Peculiar Plans for Intern Yacht “S.S. Minnow”

The bars seem to be of some concern. There don’t seem to be enough of them.

Si Swimsuit Madness : Round 1 Matches 21 & 22 : Round 1 Matches 19 & 20 Results

Is it going to be labor Day already? Where has the summer gone. At least we have some more swimsuit modelling to keep you.. occupied. Here are the results and this week’s new matches. Enjoy.


Round 1 Match 19

Josephine Skriver 150 Defeats Jessica Aidi 35

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Who do you prefer?
76 votes

Round 1 Match 20

Kate Upton 155 Defeats Kate Bock 58

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Who do you prefer?
82 votes

Round 1 Match 21

Kate Austin vs Katrina Scott

Kate Austin


Katrina Scott

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Who do you prefer?
65 votes

Round 1 Match 22

Kelly Gale vs Kelsey Merritt

Kelly Gale


Kelsey Merritt

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Who do you prefer?
64 votes