“Dramatic Uptick”

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99% of (Current) ‘Covid Deaths’ Not Primarily Caused by the Virus, CDC Data Shows
Daily Mail UK | 28 August 2023 | Alexa Lardieri

In week ending August 19, Covid was primary cause in just 1.7% of virus deaths During peak of pandemic, 30% of virus deaths listed Covid as the primary cause.

Nearly 99 percent of ‘Covid deaths’ reported by the CDC each week are not primarily caused by the virus, official data shows.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Covid dashboard shows just 1.7 percent of the 324 Covid deaths registered in the week ending August 19 had the coronavirus as the primary cause of death.

The figures suggest just a handful of American lives are being lost directly to the virus each week. For comparison, the virus was [reported as being] behind one in three ‘Covid deaths’ at America’s pandemic peak in 2021.

The primary or underlying cause of death is defined as the disease, situation or event that initiated the chain of events directly resulting in death.


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