Whatever — Science Is Racist, Anyway

Hey, maybe we can get Biden’s Department of Misinformation onto this:

‘TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE!’ – Study Retractions Up 13,650% in 22 Years
The National Pulse  | 8-10-23 | Jack Montgomery

The number of scientific papers retracted annually rose from just 40 in 2000 to almost 5,500 in 2022, representing a whopping 13,650% change over the past 22 years, with researchers estimating an astonishing 100,000 would have to be withdrawn every year with more thorough vetting.

Delivering a blow to the “trust the science” cheerleaders, Retraction Watch’s co-founders Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus detail the alarming issues with modern science for the left-wing Guardian newspaper.

The surge in bogus papers is driven in part by the fact that scientists are often “required… to publish papers in order to earn and keep jobs or to be promoted,” which leads to some turning to so-called “paper mills” that “sell everything from authorships to entire manuscripts to researchers who need to publish lest they perish.”

Only around a fifth of retractions are a result of “honest error,” Oransky and Marcus note, highlighting serious misconduct cases such as that of Joachim Boldt, a German anesthesiologist whose falsified data on an ineffective blood substitute was once widely cited and led to many people being harmed.

A related issue is the so-called replication crisis. It has become increasingly apparent that the results found in many scientific papers – possibly a majority of them – cannot be reproduced by other researchers. In 2015, for example, efforts to reproduce psychology studies published in supposedly high-quality journals failed 61 out of 100 times, with similar results in 2018.

The issue is also present in the hard sciences, with efforts by the University of Virginia to reproduce five “landmark” cancer studies failing in one case and producing inconclusive results in two others – hinting that “the science” may be mostly wrong across the board.

Researchers Retract Over 300 COVID-Era Medical Papers For Scientific Errors, Ethical Concerns
Daily Caller  | May 30, 2023 | Dylan Housman

At least 330 COVID-19-related medical papers have been retracted since the coronavirus pandemic began, oftentimes for scientific errors or ethical shortcomings, according to watchdog Retraction Watch.

There’s far more scientific fraud than anyone wants to admit: Despite recent scandals of research misconduct and error, the academic world still seems determined to look the other way
The Guardian | 08/10/2023 | Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus

Scientific misconduct has enjoyed some limelight lately. The president of Stanford, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, resigned last month after a series of investigations exposed serious problems in his research; an independent review of Tessier-Lavigne’s work found no evidence that he falsified data himself but concluded that his research failed standards “of scientific rigor and process” and that he failed to correct the record on multiple occasions.

And in June it was revealed that a scholar at Harvard Business School, Francesca Gino, was accused of having falsified research about – wait for it – honesty.

Of course, scientific misconduct does not happen only at Stanford and Harvard. Of the nearly 5,500 retractions we catalogued in 2022, and the thousands of cases we have reported on since launching our watchdog website Retraction Watch in 2010, the vast majority involve researchers at institutions without anywhere near Stanford and Harvard’s pedigrees.

Top journal “Science” says more than 2,600 of its papers may have ‘exaggerated claims’
Just The News | 08/23/2023 | Addison Smith

A non-profit watchdog reported that the AAAS has received millions of dollars per year from the federal government. The AAAS publication “Science” is reviewing 2,600 of its own articles for possible “exaggeration.”

A top international science journal funded by the federal government recently acknowledged that thousands of its published research papers may contain misleading language.

More than 2,600 of the papers from “Science,” the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and one of the world’s top academic journals, were examined in depth by another research journal, “Scientometrics.” It found in a study that from 1997 to 2021, the use of “hedging” words have fallen by about 40%.


  1. We live in a world where people have “their own truths” and a person’s emotions are the highest rule of the land. Of course they will bend reality to make the science “fit”.

  2. Pete Buttigiege:
    “I agree with whatever they tell me so I can move up the ladder. Except when they told me bananas are a good colon cleanse but took a while before I realized you’re supposed to eat them.”

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