Thankfully, We Don’t Have These at IMAO

Gen Z Believes They Shouldn’t Need a Skillset to Get a Job, Just a Winning Personality
Red State | 11/20/2023 | Joe Cunningham

Corporate workers are discovering whether or not they’re “personality hires” as the term has gained steam on social media in recent weeks.

Bella Rose Mortel, a 22-year-old social media strategist at newsletter platform Beehiiv, went viral this week labeling herself a personality hire, and suggesting that other Gen Zers might embrace a more “playful” attitude at work.

The term “personality hire” refers to an employee beloved for bringing a positive attitude and seamless interpersonal skills to the office — usually to compensate for a lack of hard skills or productivity.

“Oh, No! We’re Getting Swamped With Criminals! Cut the Law Enforcement Budget!”

Mayor Eric Adams Slashes NYC Police Budget to Pay for Influx of Migrants
Hotair | 11/20/2023 | David Strom

Eric Adams, the Mayor of New York City, is having trouble paying for the feeding, housing, and coddling of the illegal migrants who have flooded his city thanks to Joe Biden’s open borders.

Adams was elected to clean up the city and to address the crime epidemic after the disastrous reign of Bill DeBlasio. His election was a bit of rebellion against the soft-on-crime policies that were undermining the advances made during the pre-DeBlasio mayoralties of Giuliani and Bloomberg to make the city livable for the middle class.

So imagine the disappointment the residents of the city are experiencing now that Adams has decided to slash the police budget as a money-saving strategy–a strategy made necessary by the influx of migrants.

The Democrat mayor of New York has slashed the city’s policing budget, blaming the influx of more than 100,000 migrants in the last year.

Eric Adams said he would oversee $4 billion in budget cuts over the next 18 months, including cancelling the hiring of new police officers, reducing education spending and closing public libraries on Sundays.

He blamed the rising costs of the city’s migrant crisis for the move, with tens of thousands of people having travelled from the US’s southern border to New York, seeking the shelter and financial aid which the city is obliged by law to provide.

“This is the most painful exercise I’ve ever done in my professional life,” Mr Adams said, telling New Yorkers they would experience “disruptions to the services you all rely on”.

The cuts will mean the New York Police Department will cancel its next five intakes of new officers, reducing the overall headcount to less than 30,000 for the first time in decades.

This was not what New Yorkers expected when they elected Adams, although frankly, it is what they should have expected when they decided to virtue signal by making New York a “sanctuary city.”

Virtue signaling is all well and good when you don’t have to put your money where your mouth is, and in this case, the money involved is at least $4 billion.

Looking down your nose at Trump and Red state governors was, no doubt, extremely satisfying, but as with so many other self-flattering moves, it’s not so fun when the bill arrives and you have to deal with the consequences.

and of course:

San Francisco To Let Citizens Vote on Fund for Police Department Staffing
Police! | 112923 | Joanna Putnam

SAN FRANCISCO — The San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved a city charter amendment that will allow voters to choose whether they want to pay for new police officers, Bay City News reported.

If voters approve the amendment, a tax will be added to create a police staffing fund. The fund would reach $16.8 million within the first year, according to the report. The fund would allow the city to set a minimum staffing number of 1,700 officers in the first year.

The minimum staffing number would increase every year until the city reaches a maximum of 2,074 officers, according to the report.

“The proposed measure provides voters with a chance to express whether they desire more police presence,” said Supervisor Catherine Stefani, who voted for the measure.

Boston’s Weather Babe

Hot as a pistol.

Wait . . . It’s Still Not Clear to Me What Criterion — I Mean, Criteria — They Use To Hire Weather Girls

“Cute Fuzzy Puppies Being Attacked Constantly by Israel in Gaza” — AP, Washington Post, MSNBC

Cuddling Curtailed

Straight Line of the Day: If You Were Called Into Court as an Expert Witness, It Would Be on the Subject of…

REVEALED! Civil War Photo Captures Alien Battle Squadron Over Atlanta, Georgia, in 1864: After One Fly-By, They Apparently Returned to Home Planet, Leaving Only Scouts Behind

Cartoons and Memes

“Mr. Walrus, you surprised me!”

“Don’t let me stop you from doin what you are doing.”

“I’ll finish getting dressed.”



“Nothing, nothing at all.”

“While I’m finishing here is last week’s winner and this week’s entires.”



This week.











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Which one is funniest?
100 votes · 100 answers

“Yawn — We Just Need To Regulate More Things, MmKay?”

Global Warming Delayed, Who Could Have Guessed?
Hotair | 11/20/2023 | David Strom

[An article in The Telegraph] describes a new study out of Ohio State University that shows current models, which are used to push apocalyptic predictions of runaway global warming, grossly underestimate the uptake of CO2 by plants.

Climate hoax falling apart as Earth not warming as predicted by (junk) climate models.

Hoaxers now blaming plants for absorbing more CO2 than imagined.

— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) November 18, 2023

Note that this is a study of an actual, measurable phenomenon, not some blathering by an activist scientist or the regurgitation of a climate model that is tuned to create extreme results.

Plants will absorb 20 per cent more carbon dioxide than predicted by the end of the century, a new study has found, suggesting climate models are overestimating how fast the planet will warm.

Trinity College Dublin said its research painted an “uncharacteristically upbeat picture for the planet” after finding models had failed to take into account all the elements of photosynthesis.

During photosynthesis, green plants use light energy from the sun to convert carbon dioxide, water and minerals into the sugars they need for growth.

Scientists thought climate change could weaken the process, but the new research suggests plants can adjust to the temperatures, efficiently absorbing carbon dioxide, producing extra nutrients, and continuing to thrive.

They found that on a global scale, the amount of carbon converted during photosynthesis could be up to 68 per cent greater by the end of the century compared to the start of the century, and 20 per cent more than some current models suggest.

This kind of finding is actually nothing new, and similar results have been found before.

Trees are getting bigger because of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and are likely to be helping to mitigate global warming more than climate models suggest, scientists believe.

A new study from The Ohio State University has found that tree trunk volume in the US is up to 29 per cent bigger than it was 30 years ago, a finding that is likely to be mirrored elsewhere in the world.

Trees are known to act as a buffer zone against climate change by pulling in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but the latest research shows just how much they have been bulking up on the extra fuel.

“It’s well known that when you put a ton of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it doesn’t stay up there forever,” said Brent Sohngen, professor of environmental and resource economics at Ohio State.

Ah, the Good Ol’ Days

Video Shows Marines in Massive Brawl Outside Austin, Texas, Bar After a Woman’s Cell Phone Was Taken
Daily Mail | 11/20/23

The footage appears to show the groups outside the Voodoo Room on the historic Sixth Street of Austin’s entertainment district.

The altercation seems to start when one woman grabs a phone out of the hands of another and a Marine tries to intervene.

Then, a man in a white long-sleeve shirt attempts to throw a punch at a different Marine and misses, as a group of his fellow military men rush to his defense.

While some Marines try to separate the men as they curse at each other, tensions seem to escalate and an all-out brawl begins.

The civilians and Marines exchange blows and several are knocked to the ground as Austin Police and Texas Highway Patrol officers start to break up the fight.

Straight Line of the Day: New Holiday Songs

🎵 “We’re beginning to loot a lot like Christmas Everywhere you go . . . ” 🎵


🎵 “It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Kristallnacht

Everywhere you go . . . ” 🎵

Welcome to IMAO! Reclusive FrankJ Gathers Supporters for a Labor Day Message to IMAO

No one dares correct him

SI Swimsuit Madness : Round 2 Match 61 Tie Breaker : Round 2 Matches 61 & 62 Results

Hi everyone. Looks like we had a tie this past week the will have to be broken. This will entail a revote for the match. This time it will be on a 1 to 5 scale instead of 1 to 3 so we hope to avoid another tie. We did get a result for the other match which you can see below. So get out there and vote.


Lily Aldridge 75 Ties Lorena Duran 75

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Who do you prefer?
64 votes

Michelle Jenneke 98 Defeats Myla Dalbesio 63

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Who do you prefer?
67 votes


Lily Aldridge vs Lorena Duran

Lily Aldridge

  • Round 1 Match 25 Defeated Lindsay Vonn 90-62
  • Round 2 Match 61 Tied Lorena Duran 75-75


Lorena Duran

  • Round 1 Match 26 Defeated Maila Manuel 80-51
  • Round 2 Match 61 Tied Lily Aldridge 75-75

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Who do you prefer?
79 votes

I Repeat: Sometimes a Headline Is All It Takes To Remind You That Your Own Life Could Be Much Worse

Florida Man Arrested for Pooping on Dead Possum on Street During Rush Hour, Police Say

FOX 35 Orlando | November 17, 2023 | Dani Medina

Sometimes a Headline Is All It Takes To Remind You That Your Own Life Could Be Much Worse

Phil Collins ex-wife Orianne Cevey is auctioning $4M of precious items including singer’s personal Yamaha piano after splitting from escort third husband ‘whose genitals she threatened to sever’
Daily Mail | 11/17/23

The ex-wife of rock legend Phil Collins, Orianne Cevey, is auctioning off more of the singer’s collection of valuables.

Cevey has been going through her third divorce recently – this time from Tom Bates, a male escort. The pair got hitched in Las Vegas in 2020 without a prenup.

Bates has since claimed that Cevey had a ‘ferocious temper,’ hid his own possessions from him, and threatened to cut off his genitals when he asked for them to be returned.

[Could have been worded better…]

This auction, scheduled for December 6, will see a number of high-end couture items being sold off that Cevey acquired during her marriage to Collins, including Chanel clothing, shoes, boots, and a large selection of Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry.

‘I was Chanel’s number one client when I started collecting in 2001 with more than 500 pairs of Chanel shoes in my collection,’ Cevey told Page Six.