Straight Line of the Day: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? Except the Irish, of Course

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Babesleaga Group X : Week 5 : Melissa Joan Hart vs Sandra Bullock

Good night.

Melissa Joan Hart vs Sandra Bullock

Melissa Joan Hart (0-4-0 Pts. 210 Avg. 52.25)

  • Lost to Rachel Leigh Cook 66-73
  • Lost to Laura Prepon 67-69
  • Lost to Tiffany Thiessen 36-88
  • Lost to Jennifer Connelly 41-88


Sandra Bullock (2-2-0 Pts. 281 Avg. 70.25)

  • Lost to Nicole Eggert 76-79
  • Lost to Jennifer Connelly 53-82
  • Defeated Laura Prepon 73-54
  • Defeated Rachel Leigh Cook 79-48

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Who do you prefer?
135 votes · 135 answers

Babesleaga Group X : Week 5 : Rachel Leigh Cook vs Laura Prepon

Good evening.

Rachel Leigh Cook vs Laura Prepon

Rachel Leigh Cook (1-3-0 Pts. 217 Avg. 54.25)

  • Defeated Melissa Joan Hart 73-66
  • Lost to Tiffany Thiessen 35-89
  • Lost to Kristy Swanson 61-69
  • Lost to Sandra Bullock 48-79


Laura Prepon (2-2-0 Pts. 256 Avg. 64.00)

  • Defeated Kristy Swanson 73-72
  • Defeated Melissa Joan Hart 69-67
  • Lost to Sandra Bullock 54-73
  • Lost to Nicole Eggert 60-68

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Who do you prefer?
143 votes · 143 answers

“Will All Those Who Want To Be Walrus’s Next Intern Please Raise Their Hand?”

Disconnected From Reality

Biden Suggests Americans Unhappy With The Economy Are ‘Disconnected’ From Reality
Daily Caller | November 16, 2023| Reagan Reese

President Joe Biden suggested Thursday that Americans who are unhappy with the economy are experiencing a “disconnect.”

Biden touted a variety of economic statistics during a speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit on Thursday, before acknowledging that the American people feel a “disconnect” between the “numbers, and how people feel about their place in the world right now.” As Biden and his administration continue to insist “Bidenomics” is a success, 61% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck and 75% of U.S. adults think the economy is in a “fair” or “poor” state.

“The last quarter the American economy grew 4.9%. The highest growth rate in two years,” Biden said during his Thursday speech. “More people in the United States are in the workforce today than any time in American history. Unemployment has been under 4% for 21 straight months. Inflation has come down by 65%, and more to do. I mean, we know have lowest inflation — lowest inflation rate of any advanced economy in the world. Meanwhile, median household wealth has grown by 37% in real terms since before the pandemic.”

Despite Biden’s repeated touting of the economy, the American people are not viewing this situation the same way. Sixteen percent of Americans believe the economy is getting better while 56% of U.S. adults say the economy is getting worse, according to a September YouGov Poll.

“I acknowledge there’s a disconnect between the numbers, and how people feel about their place in the world right now,” Biden continued during the speech.

“We can deal with the second part as well,” Biden added. “We still have work to do.”

Two Comments:

…because 8% home mortgage interest rates are sooo much better than 2.5% and $3.00 per gallon gas is sooo much better than $1.70 (for starters).

And we are the ones who are disconnected???

They are just a tad under 7 in my neck of the woods. I remember the joy we had when we refinanced at 7% back in the day. We had to get a 15 year mortgage to do it and it stretched resources, but we were thrilled we could go from 12 to 7. Oh and we had great credit scores.

Babesleaga Group X : Week 5 : Nicole Eggert vs Tiffany Thiessen

Good afternoon.

Nicole Eggert vs Tiffany Thiessen

Nicole Eggert (2-2-0 Pts. 237 Avg. 59.25)

  • Defeated Sandra Bullock 79-76
  • Lost to Kristy Swanson 46-77
  • Lost to Jennifer Connelly 44-86
  • Defeated Laura Prepon 68-60


Tiffany Thiessen (3-0-1 Pts. 338 Avg. 84.50)

  • Tied Jennifer Connelly 73-73
  • Defeated Rachel Leigh Cook 89-35
  • Defeated Melissa Joan Hart 88-36
  • Defeated Kristy Swanson 88-37

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Who do you prefer?
120 votes · 120 answers

Straight Line of the Day: Biden’s Just Running Out of Lies. Some Things He Could Deem “Not a Joke”: …

Welcome to IMAO’s Camden, New Jersey, Office! You’ll Have To Speak Louder, Because of the Sirens

Babesleaga Group X : Week 4 : Results and Standings

Week 4 is in the books as we head to the December Holiday. THis may effect the schedule for our next group which will be the last 8 winners. When I propose to start that is still up in the air but I will give everyone a heads up.


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Who do you prefer?
127 votes · 127 answers

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Who do you prefer?
128 votes · 128 answers

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Who do you prefer?
125 votes · 125 answers

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Who do you prefer?
129 votes · 129 answers


ContestantsRecordPointsAveragePoints AgainstAverage Score
Tiffany Thiessen3 – 0 – 133884.5018184.50-45.25
Jennifer Connelly3 – 0 – 132982,2521182.25-52.75
Sandra Bullock2 – 2 – 028170.2526370.25-65.75
Laura Prepon2 – 2 – 025664.0028064.00-70.00
Kristy Swanson2 – 2 – 025563.7526863.75-67.00
Nicole Eggert2 – 2 – 023759.2529959.25-74.75
Rachel Leigh Cook1 – 3 – 021754.2530354.25-75.75
Melissa Joan Hart0 – 4 – 021052.2531852.25-79.50

This week

  • 10:00 am Jennifer Connelly vs Kristy Swanson
  • 2:00 pm Nicole Eggert vs Tiffany Thiessen
  • 6:00 pm Rachel Leigh Cook vs Laura Prepon
  • 8:00 pm Melissa Joan Hart vs Sandra Bullock

Babesleaga Group X : Week 5 : Jennifer Connelly vs Kristy Swanson

Good morning.

Jennifer Connelly vs Kristy Swanson

Jennifer Connelly (3-0-1 Pts. 329 Avg. 82.25)

  • Tied Tiffany Thiessen 73-73
  • Defeated Sandra Bullock 82-53
  • Defeated Nicole Eggert 86-44
  • Defeated Melissa Joan Hart 88-41


Kristy Swanson (2-2-0 Pts. 255 Avg. 63.75)

  • Lost to Laura Prepon 72-73
  • Defeated Nicole Eggert 77-46
  • Defeated Rachel Leigh Cook 69-61
  • Lost to Tiffany Thiessen 37-88

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Who do you prefer?
90 votes · 90 answers

Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

“Miss Cardinale, you look mighty thirsty.”

“I am a might parched at that. Luckily I have a solution.”

“And that would be?”

“Tonight’s topical memes of course.”

“Of course.”



This week’s.











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Which one is funniest?
156 votes · 156 answers

Local Man Defending Life, Liberty, and Property Claims Natural Rights: Government Worker Asks To See the Relevant Statute

Well, Will Their Demands Be Met?

US Nuke Reactor Lab Hit by “Gay Furry Hackers” Demanding Cat-Human Mutants
The Registrer (UK) | Wed 22 Nov 2023 | Brandon Vigliarolo

The self-described “gay furry hackers” of SiegedSec are back: this time boasting they’ve broken into America’s biggest nuclear power lab’s computer systems and stolen records on thousands of employees. Some of that data has already been leaked, it appears.

SiegedSec, which also claimed to have breached NATO’s IT security on two occasions this year, said it has now hit Idaho National laboratory (INL), which is run by the US Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. Employee Social Security numbers, physical addresses, and bank account data are among the information said to have been pinched.

The lab has at least acknowledged its HR systems suffered a cyberattack.

“On Monday, November 20, Idaho National Laboratory determined that it was the target of a cybersecurity data breach in a federally approved vendor system outside the lab that supports INL cloud Human Resources services,” spokesperson Lori McNamara told The Register today.