Welcome to IMAO! What Are the Rules of Dodgeball, Anyway?

Can You Let Go of the Hands of Those Beside You?

[Girls' dodge ball game on school playground. Girls standing in circle and girl in middle holding ball]


  1. This variation is genius. When you dodge, you pull the person next to you into it. Good way to get enemies to hold hands. Next up, Isreal and the rest of the middle east, with the US in the middle.

  2. Butch Cassidy : No, no, not yet. Not until me and Harvey get the rules straightened out.
    Harvey Logan : Rules? In dodge ball? No rules!
    Butch Cassidy : Well, if there aint’ going to be any rules, let’s get the game started. Someone count. 1,2,3 go.
    Sundance Kid : [quickly] 1,2,3, go!

    [Butch knocks Harvey out]

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