Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

“Ah, Miss Cardianle. I’m ready for a little night music.”

“Then you are in luck!”

“I am?”

“Yes, tonight’s theme is music.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“Grumble, grumble, grumble.”



THis week











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Yay! A Cure For Cancer Is Just Around the Corner!

CRUNCH TIME: Biden Has Less Than a Year To Fulfill His Campaign Promise of Curing Cancer…No, we’re not kidding. He actually said that.
Free Beacon | January 25, 2024 | Andrew Stiles

Several months after announcing his candidacy for president in 2019, Joe Biden said the following: “I promise you if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America, we’re gonna cure cancer.”

Hey, I’ve Been in Brumation All This Time!

… while Biden was pronouncing “Oppo” as if it rhymed with the author of this article.

Video Shows Alligator Submerged In Frozen Pond In US. Here’s Why | January 26, 2024 | Bhavya Sukheja

Alligators can’t regulate their temperature, so they survive the icy conditions by going into a state of brumation – which is similar to how mammals, warm-blooded animals, hibernate. During hibernation, an animal’s heart rate and breathing slow down and their body temperature decreases to help them use less energy. Similarly, in the case of alligators, when ice crystals start to form, their metabolism slows down and their tired bodies gradually become suspended in the frozen water with their eyes closed.

They “instinctively tilt their nose up” so it sticks out of the water to stop them from suffocating, a Swamp Park spokesperson said, as per the BBC. The water around them solidifies and suspends them until temperatures are more comfortable, and the water temperatures increase, they explained.

However, unlike in hibernation, gators and reptiles don’t fall into a deep sleep during brumation. They still have periods of activity allowing them to drink, the spokesperson said. During brumation, it’s thought an alligator’s heart can slow down to as few as three beats per minute.

PSA: Leave Everything to an Intern

6 of the Worst Assets to Inherit
Kiplinger | 01/25/2024 | David Rodeck

“In my experience, the best asset to leave behind: cash,” said Michael Romero, vice president and relationship manager at Argent Financial Group, a full-service wealth and trust management firm. He said brokerage accounts are good too because they’re so easy to value and divide. Everything else gets a little more complicated.


Potentially valuable collectibles


Operating businesses

Vacation properties

Any physical property (especially with sentimental value)

What to do if you inherit something you don’t want

Biden To Visit Site of 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Asks Where He Can Go To Do That

Feel-Good Story for the Week

Why Venus Died
Phys.Org | Jan. 26, 2024 | Paul M. Sutter

Venus is only slightly smaller than the Earth, and so has enjoyed billions of years of a warm heart. But for this planet, sometimes called Earth’s sister, that heat has betrayed it. That planet is now wrapped in suffocating layers of a poisonous atmosphere made of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. The pressures on the surface reach almost 100 times the air pressure at Earth’s sea level. The average temperatures are more than 700°F, more than hot enough to melt lead, while the deepest valleys see records of more than 900°.

At some point, approximately 500 million years from now, Venus will not be alone, The Earth’s oceans will boil, our continents will halt their ancient motion, and we will finally be twins with our sister: dead, lifeless, and strangling on our own bloated atmosphere.

So if you’re saving that aged Scotch for any special occasion, you might want to enjoy it now.

“Excellent point, Mr. Oppo!”

What are you doing on the carpet?

Here; let me drop that bothersome scarf down here on the floor.

Straight Line of the Day: Telltale Signs That Your Website Has Been Taken Over By the FBI: …


Welcome to IMAO! Crow T. Robot’s Primitive Ancestor
