Friday Night Open Thread Count: Sheets and Googles

Here’s my contribution:

Homeowners’ Association Offers Walrus Swank Waterfront Home for Free — Only Conditions: No Replica War Vehicle Models, and No Replica Swimsuit Models, Allowed

What’s Walrus Building?

My long nightmare is over. The Colosseum is complete.

Once again the problem of the bricks not staying together when you have to apply pressure to attached some in a different place happened. And it happened on sections that had to be built multiple times. Glue came to the rescue but really stretched out the build time. But it got done. Check out the photos.

I had some extra parts so I added them in to the front there to make it looked more built up. The flame actually was a leftover piece from the Flammpanzer. It works as a burning flame. To continue.

This is the current build. I had a little bit of a mixup with a pre order so I actually now have two of this and two of the Elephant. Oh well.

Current Build

Previous Build

Junkers JU 87 B Stuka

The Junkers Ju 87, popularly known as the “Stuka”, is a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft. Designed by Hermann Pohlmann, it first flew in 1935. The Ju 87 made its combat debut in 1937 with the Luftwaffe‘s Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 and served the Axis in World War II from beginning to end (1939–1945).

The aircraft is easily recognisable by its inverted gull wings and fixed spatted undercarriage. Upon the leading edges of its faired main gear legs were mounted ram-air sirens known as Jericho trumpets, which became a propaganda symbol of German air power and of the so-called Blitzkrieg victories of 1939–1942, as well as providing Stuka pilots with audible feedback as to speed. The Stuka’s design included several innovations, including automatic pull-up dive brakes under both wings to ensure that the aircraft recovered from its attack dive even if the pilot blacked out from the high g-forces, or suffered from target fixation.

The Ju 87 operated with considerable success in close air support and anti-shipping roles at the outbreak of World War II. It led air assaults in the invasion of Poland in September 1939. Stukas proved critical to the rapid conquest of Norway, the NetherlandsBelgium, and France in 1940. Though sturdy, accurate, and very effective against ground targets, the Stuka was, like many other dive bombers of the period, vulnerable to fighter aircraft. During the Battle of Britain of 1940–1941, its lack of manoeuvrability, speed, or defensive armament meant that it required a heavy fighter escort to operate effectively.

After the Battle of Britain, the Luftwaffe deployed Stuka units in the Balkans Campaign, the African and the Mediterranean theatres and in the early stages of the Eastern Front war, where it was used for general ground support, as an effective specialised anti-tank aircraft and in an anti-shipping role. Once the Luftwaffe lost air superiority, the Stuka became an easy target for enemy fighters, but it continued being produced until 1944 for lack of a better replacement. By 1945 ground-attack versions of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 had largely replaced the Ju 87, but it remained in service until the end of the war in 1945.

Germany built an estimated 6,000 Ju 87s of all versions between 1936 and August 1944.

Oberst Hans-Ulrich Rudel became the most successful Stuka pilot and the most highly decorated German pilot of the war.

Even Rock Stars Don’t Get That Many Rounds Per Second

SCOTUS Justice Jackson Just Said the Dumbest Thing About Guns and I Can’t Stop Laughing
PJ Media  | 28 Feb 2024 | Stephen Green

When it was time for the Biden Department of Justice to present its side to the Court, Justice Clarence Thomas asked what happens, according to the FPC, “with the trigger in a bump stocked rifle vs a full-auto rifle.”

Please don’t wet yourself laughing when you read the government’s response.

MR. FLETCHER: [speaking to Chief Justice Roberts] What you are doing is just pushing forward. Now, if you look at the videos that we cite in Footnote 1 of our reply brief, some of them are in slow motion, and they show that when the shooter is doing this, the hand is moving back and forth very fast, 600 times a second. That’s not happening because the shooter is able to move their hand back and forth 600 — or, I’m sorry, 600 times a minute.

So the Firearms Policy Coalition got the first part right but then missed the correction. Easy to do while essentially liveblogging — I should know. Still, 600 rounds per minute is only slightly less impossible than 600 rounds per second. Even if under some extreme circumstances a bumpstock-enhanced cyborg were able to fire that quickly, a semi-automatic rifle wouldn’t stand up to the strain — and where would the rounds come from?

And here’s Justice Jackson:

“And when, you know, ‘function’ is defined, it’s really not about the operation of the thing. It’s about what it can achieve, what it’s being used for. So I see Congress as putting function in this. The function of this trigger is to cause this kind of damage, 800 rounds a second or whatever.”

I think “or whatever” pretty well sums up Jackson’s interest in learning about firearms.

Comment at source:

I still think the dumbest anti-gun comment of all time was what Diana DeGette said when debating the then-proposed ban on 30 round magazines here in occupied Colorado. During a discussion of the grandfathering of existing magazines a comment was made that the ban would have no effect on those mags. Her response was that those mags would go away over time because once the “bullets” in them were used up, they would be rendered useless.

In Their Defense, Maybe the Cameras Were Made By the Same Company As the Odysseus Moon Lander

3rd Pipe Bomb Camera Deliberately Turned Away From Scene
Epoch Times | February 28, 2024 | Joseph M. Hanneman

‘These revelations are extremely troubling and raise even more important questions about the DNC/RNC pipe bomb investigation,’ says Rep. Loudermilk

A third U.S. Capitol Police security camera, Camera 8021—located high on the Fairchild Building—is the third Capitol Police camera discovered to have been deliberately turned away from the unfolding pipe bomb drama during crucial operations of the bomb squad.

Mr. Loudermilk, whose Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight is investigating the Jan. 6 pipe bombs, said he was concerned by the discovery.

As The Epoch Times previously reported, Camera 3173—located directly across the street from where the pipe bomb was found at 1:05 p.m.—turned away from the DNC building at 1:29 p.m., before the bomb squad arrived. Camera 8020—also located on the Fairchild Building—was filming the assemblage of the bomb squad on E Street Southeast when it, too, was directed away at 1:44 p.m. to focus on some distant railroad tracks and a highway overpass for the next 2½ hours.

The Camera 8020 switch came just as the bomb robot turned up Canal Street Southeast headed for the DNC.

Security cameras were controlled and monitored from the Capitol Police Command Center on the seventh floor of police headquarters on D Street Northeast.

Straight Line of the Day: Cool. What Can We Do With Assets of Russian Space Agency?

Russia’s Space Agency Forced to Sell Off Assets as Sanctions Take Toll
Newsweek | Feb. 28, 2024 | Isabel van Brugen

A representative of the company told Russian news outlet RBC that the decision was made after Roscosmos lost almost 80 percent of its export income after losing orders and key partners due to the war in Ukraine. This year, it intends to sell its “non-core” assets …

Borisov said in December that the company had lost contracts worth 180 billion rubles ($1.9 billion) out of 230 billion ($2.5 billion) as a result of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and subsequent sanctions imposed on Russia by Kyiv’s allies.

Welcome to IMAO! For the Time Being, You’ll Only Have One Intern in Your Remote Office / Living Quarters

Your only job is to keep her warm, safe, and entertained.

Where in the world is Miss Cates?

Well Miss Cruz, where is she?”

“She’s on a super secret mission is what I hear.”

“Interesting. So what do you have for us?”

“A bonus caption this!”

“Is that all?”

“Well, maybe some classic comedy as well.”

“Lay it on us sistah!”

Caption This!

Friday Classic Funny