Even Rock Stars Don’t Get That Many Rounds Per Second

SCOTUS Justice Jackson Just Said the Dumbest Thing About Guns and I Can’t Stop Laughing
PJ Media  | 28 Feb 2024 | Stephen Green

When it was time for the Biden Department of Justice to present its side to the Court, Justice Clarence Thomas asked what happens, according to the FPC, “with the trigger in a bump stocked rifle vs a full-auto rifle.”

Please don’t wet yourself laughing when you read the government’s response.

MR. FLETCHER: [speaking to Chief Justice Roberts] What you are doing is just pushing forward. Now, if you look at the videos that we cite in Footnote 1 of our reply brief, some of them are in slow motion, and they show that when the shooter is doing this, the hand is moving back and forth very fast, 600 times a second. That’s not happening because the shooter is able to move their hand back and forth 600 — or, I’m sorry, 600 times a minute.

So the Firearms Policy Coalition got the first part right but then missed the correction. Easy to do while essentially liveblogging — I should know. Still, 600 rounds per minute is only slightly less impossible than 600 rounds per second. Even if under some extreme circumstances a bumpstock-enhanced cyborg were able to fire that quickly, a semi-automatic rifle wouldn’t stand up to the strain — and where would the rounds come from?

And here’s Justice Jackson:

“And when, you know, ‘function’ is defined, it’s really not about the operation of the thing. It’s about what it can achieve, what it’s being used for. So I see Congress as putting function in this. The function of this trigger is to cause this kind of damage, 800 rounds a second or whatever.”

I think “or whatever” pretty well sums up Jackson’s interest in learning about firearms.

Comment at source:

I still think the dumbest anti-gun comment of all time was what Diana DeGette said when debating the then-proposed ban on 30 round magazines here in occupied Colorado. During a discussion of the grandfathering of existing magazines a comment was made that the ban would have no effect on those mags. Her response was that those mags would go away over time because once the “bullets” in them were used up, they would be rendered useless.


  1. I really wish someone in the SC would just remind everybody that the ONLY public safety the 2A gives a fluff about is our safety from Tyrannical government or other enemies. Governments that may impose unjust rules like taxing private citizens if they don’t purchase a subscription service to the governments largest lobbyists (Obamacare), or putting citizens under house arrest for learning things they don’t like it on the internet(Canada). Keeping citizens from shooting other citizens is the duty of the local police, church, and most importantly, each other.

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