Conspiracy Theory!

Wake Up, People!!!11!!

Tuesday: I used my go-to credit card for some $60.

(That’s nowhere near the limit, smartasses.) I received the monthly bill the same day — it showed a grand total of $92 owed. I pay it off every month. And I hadn’t used it in the days prior to this.

Wednesday: I tried to use it to charge $50 worth of groceries. Computer said “Do not honor.” (!) Embarrassing. I had the cash, and an alternate credit card. But the alternate credit card froze their machine. Just when I finally offered to pay cash — after about two minutes — the terminal came back online and the charge was accepted.

Curious now, I drove to another store to test the rejected credit card, to see if it would be rejected again. It was not.

When I arrived home, there was a voice mail from my credit card issuer, saying there had been suspicious activity on my card, and asking me to verify (by pressing “1”) whether all three charges above were indeed instigated by me. I did.

I am looking forward to this month’s statement, so I can see what they considered “suspicious activity.” Its use at one store the day before? My hunch is that it probably involves FBI memes on IMAO. That’s my hunch.


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