In Their Defense, Maybe the Cameras Were Made By the Same Company As the Odysseus Moon Lander

3rd Pipe Bomb Camera Deliberately Turned Away From Scene
Epoch Times | February 28, 2024 | Joseph M. Hanneman

‘These revelations are extremely troubling and raise even more important questions about the DNC/RNC pipe bomb investigation,’ says Rep. Loudermilk

A third U.S. Capitol Police security camera, Camera 8021—located high on the Fairchild Building—is the third Capitol Police camera discovered to have been deliberately turned away from the unfolding pipe bomb drama during crucial operations of the bomb squad.

Mr. Loudermilk, whose Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight is investigating the Jan. 6 pipe bombs, said he was concerned by the discovery.

As The Epoch Times previously reported, Camera 3173—located directly across the street from where the pipe bomb was found at 1:05 p.m.—turned away from the DNC building at 1:29 p.m., before the bomb squad arrived. Camera 8020—also located on the Fairchild Building—was filming the assemblage of the bomb squad on E Street Southeast when it, too, was directed away at 1:44 p.m. to focus on some distant railroad tracks and a highway overpass for the next 2½ hours.

The Camera 8020 switch came just as the bomb robot turned up Canal Street Southeast headed for the DNC.

Security cameras were controlled and monitored from the Capitol Police Command Center on the seventh floor of police headquarters on D Street Northeast.


  1. All right, who did it? That camera did not move on it’s own accord. Someone working there that night moved it. Why? Why was it moved. For what purpose? I know they won’t find out just like they didn’t find out who brought coke into the White House but you got wonder why the Left thinks nothing is amiss here.

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