One of the More Complicated Gender Groups

Non-binary person, 33, in Canada wants taxpayers to fund $70k surgery to give them a vagina AND keep their penis
Daily Mail | April 2, 2924 | Connor Boyd

A person . . .

I guess that’s all we can determine.

. . . in Canada wants taxpayers to fund surgery to make them a vagina while also keeping a functional penis, in a first-of-its-kind case.

The Ontario resident, 33, was born male but identifies as non-binary, meaning they . . .

This person is singular, not plural.

. . . are not exclusively male or female ‘but literally a mix’, court documents show.

“Show” might not be the right word. It presumes a fact not in evidence. How about “claim” or “assert”?

Ontario’s Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) initially denied the request on the grounds that the procedure is experimental and is not performed in Canada…

Now the case is with Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice, which is due to issue its ruling in the coming months.





It is unclear how much the surgery will cost but traditional ‘reassignment’ procedures usually cost between $10,000 USD and $70,000.

A similar case last June saw the OHIP fund the surgery of a public servant, 41, who had a penis constructed . . .


An Erector Set

. . . without removing their vagina and uterus – despite initially denying the claim.

The cases reflect a small but growing demand for niche surgeries for people who identify with one of the more complicated gender groups.

A niche is something you can fit something else into. Which this person can do. “Go f yourself” will be a possibility.

What will their symbol look like? Q is already taken.

Will true hermaphrodites quarrel with them for cu*tural appropriation? Or be called “THERPHs”??


  1. The earlier statement..”How about “claim” or “assert”?” ..contained spelling errors. It should have been “How about “clam” or “insert”?”
    …you”re welcome..

  2. Oh..and as a taxpayer..if the court says we have to pay for the surgery, I think we get to decide where the new vagina gets placed. Suggesting the middle of the guys forehead so he can warn people as he approaches that he is f’ed in the head…
    …what? want it somewhere else, then you pay for it..

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