Words of Wisdom

Wisdom in comments on a discussion thread on FreeRepublic.com, under a story where some college major was bemoaning her fate. Worth sharing:

“I worked 65 to 70 hours a week for 20 years. Does that count as 2 jobs?”

“A college degree doesn’t “guarantee” anything. Hard work, self-motivation, and dedication does. She can stuff her college loan debt . . . “

“Show up on time every day, make the boss look good, and be employed for life.”

“An education is a tool to earn wealth. Young people have ~40 years to make their living for retirement. If they can afford it they should open up an IRA ASAP. . . Unfortunately, the ‘honey-what-do-you-want-for-dinner’ kids were raised to chase their wants, not fulfill their needs.

“I have always held the view that I am entitled to nothing that is in the control of other people, because that is a recipe for unhappiness.”


  1. The only people I know that don’t worry about money and only work 40 hours a week have military disability income and/or military retirement. So it’s safe to say they put it in the work to earn it.

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