Back in the saddle again

Well my long internet dark nightmare is over. Got everything work except my speakers which shoule not be that hard to do. While back on line I still have loads of unpacking to do so I am still going to be sparse. That means new material probably starting this Thursday with carttons and memes and conintuing through the weekend with the Group Z Babesleaga round up and the start of the next group. I hope you guys behaved yourselves while I was away. It’s good to be back.

Human Interest Story

Passenger accused of running naked through Virgin Australia airliner mid-flight, knocking down crew member
CBS News | May 28, 2024

A man …

No, lost interest.

I Stole This Photo From Walrus. And From Gene.

It was in the photo archives.

I imagine it as Walrus arriving at his new home — the moving van is to the right.

The moving van is to the right.

Hell of a first day in the back yard.

It’s Simple: Don’t Do Business With Corporations That Arrogate to Themselves the Right To Judge Your Morals

Chase Bank Rolls Back ‘De-Banking’ Policy that Hurt Conservatives
Breitbart | 05/24/2024 | Amy Furr

JPMorgan Chase bank has apparently rolled back a policy that led to the de-banking of several conservatives and nonprofit groups, according to Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

Fox News reported on Friday that the bank had rolled back its WePay service, and the Christian law firm is praising the move.

The service “required merchants to refrain from accepting payments or using the service for activities related to ‘social risk issues,’ which the bank defined as anything ‘subject to allegation and impacts related to hate groups, systemic racism, sexual harassment and corporate culture,’” the outlet said.

In May 2019, JPMorgan Chase Chief Jamie Dimon denied claims the bank had de-banked conservatives over their political views, stating, “We have not and do not,” according to Breitbart News.

Straight Line of the Day: When a Drone Responds To Your 911 Call, …

Colorado Police Plan to Dispatch Drones Instead of Officers for Certain 911 Calls | May. 29, 2024 | Anthony Scott

Over a dozen law enforcement departments in Colorado are planning to dispatch drones instead of officers to respond to specific 911 calls.

… Sgt. Jeremiah Gates, who is in charge of the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s office, stated, “This really is the future of law enforcement at some point, whether we like it or not.”

Welcome to IMAO! Happy Gray Pride Month!

And Today Is Junerd, as Well