It’s Legit

Because I’ve heard Biden refer to those last two tribes in every speech he gives.

Native American Groups Allege Met Museum’s Curator Is ‘Pretendian’
New York Post | May 28, 2024 | Isabel Vincent

Native American campaigners are raising questions about the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s first-ever curator of Native American art — claiming she does not belong to a federally recognized tribe in the US, The Post has learned.

Patricia Marroquin Norby was hired with great fanfare in 2020, after what the museum said was “a long and competitive search,” as its “inaugural Associate Curator of Native American Art” in its American Wing. For years, Marroquin Norby, 53, described herself — including in legal filings — as “Apache,” “Eastern Apache” and “Nde” as well as “Purepacha/Tarascan” . . .

Wait — did they use English to describe the job title and salary, etc.? Isn’t that counter-productive?

“A long and competitive search,” hmm? Let me guess who she wasn’t competing against.

Building Balloons Better

Top secret China spaceplane releases a mystery object into Earth’s orbit – and no one knows what it is
UK Daily Mail | May 28 2024 | Stacy Libratore

China’s top-secret spaceplane has released a mysterious object into Earth’s orbit just 372 miles above the surface.

The US Space Force is monitoring the situation, but the purpose of the object ejected on May 24 is unknown.

A Harvard astrophysicist first spotted the object, speculating it could be a subsatellite deployment, or a piece of hardware ejected before the spaceplane ends its mission and deorbits.

Heartwarming Toast to Walrus For Movin’ On Up — To the Northeast Side

(Or should that be “Heart Worming”? Or “Hard Warning”?)

You’re in like Flynn; let unpacking begin

Fun Fact: Joe Biden was on the set that day — you can glimpse his shoulder on the left.

IMAO’s New Motto: “Instead of Bringing Joy and Humor, We Unintentionally Did the Opposite”

Proof young women are opting out of casual sex?
The Spectator | 05/29/2024 | Amber Duke

The popular dating app Bumble was forced to apologize recently when its anti-celibacy advertisement didn’t land the way that it had hoped.

Bumble tried to tap into many women’s frustration with modern dating, telling women who are having trouble finding a significant other that “a vow of celibacy is not the answer.”

But whoever is on Bumble’s marketing team failed to realize that many women are opting out of casual sex and hook-ups as they realize they prefer settling into a long-term partnership before they engage in a sexual relationship. Others are taking a break from dating entirely, as they feel a deep dissatisfaction with the current landscape, which seems centered around fleeting physical attraction and short-lived connections.

… Women let Bumble know that they did not appreciate the ads, which seemed designed to shame them for their choice to save their bodies for someone special. Bumble apologized in turn. “We made a mistake,” the company said. “Our ads referencing celibacy were an attempt to lean into a community frustrated by modern dating, and instead of bringing joy and humor, we unintentionally did the opposite.”

Straight Line of the Day: Hoo Boy! Talk About Opening a Pandora’s Box. Other Pandora’s Boxes: …

Gypsy, 20, who raped 12-year-old girl, is acquitted by Spanish court because their ‘relationship’ is ‘part of the cultural reality of their community’
UK Daily Mail | May 30, 2024 | Sabrina Perry

A Spanish court has acquitted a man who raped a 12-year-old girl after it ruled that their relations were just a part of the Romani culture.

On Tuesday, the court in Ciudad Real in central Spain took into account the socio-cultural context of the Gypsy ethnic group to reduce the sentence for sexual assault and abuse of a minor by a 20-year-old man.


“I heard there’s a funny cat video on the internet. Can you help me locate one?”

“Are there any opinions of Trump?”

Welcome to IMAO! It’s Odd She Got Hired, Because IMAO Doesn’t Have Any BMWs