Closing Time

I keep waiting for this guy to make a statement here I disagree with:

Women are the gate-keepers of sex. Even a below-par woman can announce, at closing time at the bar, that she’s available, and she’ll probably get takers.

An even above-average man cannot consistently do that; rather, he’ll have to “jump through hoops,” demonstrate a lot of fancy footwork, “game,” or display other obvious markers of high worth.

Oh, so that’s how you do it. Now you tell me.

As far as “appreciating” a sexually successful man – his male cohorts will admire his success and perhaps envy him, while the females will patiently wait their turn (thinking that they are somehow “special” and will be able to snag him long-term).

Women attain their peak SMV (Sexual Market Value) in their early 20s, and generally already have a high “notch-count” by that point in time. In contrast, their male counterparts will (generally speaking) have lower “notch-counts” (not because they are “more virtuous” or such – but rather simply because it can require Herculean efforts for a man to “get lucky”). A tiny fraction of men (roughly 4.5%) are the sole beneficiaries of current unleashed sexuality.

Men “come into their own” in their mid- to late-30s (provided they have “put in the work” and amassed resources).

So important, of course.

The “added value” which men used to offer women – physical protection, provisioning, and parenting – are now available instead from the State (in the form of policing, physically undemanding high-tech employment, and welfare / state aid for single mothers).

AG Merrick Garland Demands Embarrassing Audio Recordings of Joe Biden’s Interview With Special Counsel Hur Be Marked ‘TOP SECRET’ and Placed in Biden’s Garage

OK, So He’s Dead.

New Jersey Democrats Elect Dead Congressman Donald Payne Jr. in Primary
Gateway Pundit | 6-5-24 | Anthony Scott

Democrat voters in New Jersey elected deceased Representative Donald Payne Jr. in Tuesday’s primary.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Representative Donald M. Payne Jr. (D-NJ) died on April 24th at 65.

Before his death, Payne spent the last two weeks in a coma due to having a heart attack and complications with diabetes.

Despite being dead, Payne won New Jersey’s 10th District Democratic primary with 99.9% of the vote.

The Real Reason for Walrus’s Big Dark

… and it isn’t the typo where “is” should be “it.” That agent happens to be from Mother Russia.


I’m quite uncomfortable.

Biden Administration Announces ‘Menstrual Hygiene Day’ for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld
Breitbart | 5-29-24 | Elizabeth Weibel

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) announced a holiday called “Menstrual Hygiene Day,” a day that is aimed at creating a period-friendly world for “menstruators.”

In a post on X, the DOL shared a link to a blog post about Menstrual Hygiene Day and five ways that employers can make their workplaces “menstruation friendly” for “menstruators.”

“To commemorate this Menstrual Hygiene Day, the Women’s Bureau is breaking down the stereotypes and stigmas that have made menstruation a taboo topic in the workplace,” the DOL’s blog post read.

Go ahead, DOL: Have a male supervisor discuss a female employee’s menstruation. You will beat me to court.

“Menstruation is a natural part of half our population’s life, and yet it has been overlooked in the context of work – perhaps because it is seen as a personal issue or uncomfortable to discuss.

So they get to pick and choose when it can be discussed.

#Menstruation affects half the U.S. workforce but talking about it at work can be taboo. For #MenstrualHygieneDay, here are 5 easy actions employers can take to help menstruators thrive at work. #PeriodFriendlyWorld #MHD2024

— U.S. Department of Labor (@USDOL) May 29, 2024

The DOL added that the discussion of women’s menstruation being seen as “taboo” has led to a “lack of understanding” about the impacts of menstruation such as dealing with “premenstrual syndrome,” “unexpected or heavy bleeding,” or “pain from cramps, headaches or migraines while at work.”

Great. Do they ever name the date?

And if you miss “Menstrual Hygiene Day,” is that pregnant with consequences?

Straight Line of the Day: You Finally Bravely Come Out and Admit…

Welcome to IMAO! It Looks To My Practiced Eye Like He Doesn’t Know How To Pronounce “Dude”