Friday Night Open Thread

What’s going on??

Scientists Warn of Heat Wave in Summer

Remind Listeners That Cold Snaps in Winter Are Weather Phenomena, Not Global Warming

When you average out “hottest summer ever” with “coldest winter ever,” what do you get?

Oppo Gets Ready for Weekend With Self-Dancing Pants

Straight Line of the Day: Hawaii Police Are Urging Beachgoers to Take Their Valuables Into The Ocean. Only Problem Is…

Crime is So Bad in Hawaii Police Are Urging Beachgoers to Take Their Valuables Into The Ocean
Gateway Pundit | Jun. 12, 2024 | Ben Kew

“For those enjoying the beach, don’t leave valuables unattended on the sand,” the message read. “Instead, use a waterproof bag that you can take into the water with you.”

Welcome to IMAO’s HQ! Just Hitch ‘Er Up, and We’re Off To Beverly