Slow Noose Day

I’ve heard it said that that’s the way to deal with illegals who sneak into our country and rape and kill people — a slow noose day.

I don’t know. I’d never go to a hanging. Apart from being disturbing, in a little way it generates sympathy for the criminal, flipping and flopping up there. Thank God they use the hood!

I’m for capital punishment as long as I don’t have to watch it. (Unless it was revenge for someone who killed someone I know.)

Straight Line of the Day: Why Communist Food Sucks

I didn’t even have to come up with this one by myself!

Why Communist Food Sucks
YouTube | June 4, 2024 | Eat’s History

Communist food is often perceived as bland due to the historical context of resource scarcity and centralized control over food production and distribution in communist countries. During the 20th century, many communist states, such as the Soviet Union and Maoist China, faced significant economic challenges, including chronic shortages of spices, fresh produce, and quality ingredients. The emphasis on equal distribution often led to the production of simple, standardized meals designed to be cost-effective and easy to produce on a large scale. Additionally, the suppression of private enterprise stifled culinary innovation and diversity, resulting in a limited variety of flavors and culinary techniques being widely available to the population. Consequently, the food in these regions became associated with being monotonous and lacking in flavor.

e.g., Hungarian Gulags

Mousey Tongue

There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch-lady.

Harvard Yardbirds

Welcome to IMAO! Oppo, As Usual, Tries To Get Rid of the Punk Kid on the Left

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