Why a Friday Night Open Thread?

Why not?

Got This Past the Thought Police

Joe Biden tells a lot of allies

“I’m a well-known allier.”

He’s allying all the time.

And Kamala Harris would bring this country to its knees, which would blow.

9 Out of 10 Economists Agree: Your Dollars Are Badly Inflated

Straight Line of the Day: Baffling New Species of Snake Discovered. The Reason It’s Baffling: …

“Baffling” New Species of Snake Discovered in Myanmar
Scitech Daily | Jan. 28, 2024

Welcome to IMAO! Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Friday Classic Funny

“So Mr. Walrus, decided to show up today have we?”

“Sorry but I am a busy man with busy man stuff to do.”

“And that would be?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“On second thought. Probably not.”

“Good choice.”

Don’t know if it is funny but I love you guys and had to share.