Your Faithful Reporter

Well, it’s 8:30 p.m. EST, and I just finished watching creepy whispering rambling Biden finish his press conference — which was scheduled for 5:30 EST, and rescheduled to 6:30 EST, and began at 7:30 EST — and I am confused and depressed, amused, exhausted, and vindicated.

Apart from praising “vice president Trump,” I can’t remember the good zinger he ended up with.

The shame is, when I resort to the White House transcript, it will all read like Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.


Five-minute version of the event on YouTube — someone compiled a sample of his stupidity, but by no means all of it.

She Likes To Cook

Kamala Harris Lauds ‘Emotion’ Behind Anti-Israel Protests as DNI Admits Iran Pays for Them
Breitbart | 07/09/2024 | Joel B. Pollak

“They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza. There are things some of the protesters are saying that I absolutely reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it.”

There are things some of the Nazis said that I absolutely reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it.

Fox News notes that in the full interview [to The Nation magazine], Harris also expresses concern for the supposed lack of food in Gaza, because “I like to cook.” (The United Nations recently found that there is in fact no famine in Gaza, despite anti-Israel claims.)

But What If You Want To Outrun a Landslide or Enemy Agents?

Or an angry boyfriend?

Why Europe’s Mandatory Speed Limiters Mean The End Of Driving As You Know It
The Autopian | 8 July 2024 | Matt Hardigree

Lately, automakers have been applying new technologies to limit exceeding the speed limit. Most new cars will let you know what the car thinks the speed limit is and warn you, one way or another if you are exceeding that limit. Some cars beep. Most cars flash some sort of symbol on the dash. Some new cars can even be set to stop the driver from going any faster, but that’s a choice the driver makes.

If you’re in Europe, it’s now a choice that the government makes. As of July 7th, all new cars sold on the continent or in Northern Ireland have to have a mandatory speed limiter installed. The system is generally known as Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) and it’s probably going to show up on a lot of vehicles in the United Kingdom as well because the country basically shares a car market with the rest of its neighbors.

…“Arguably ISA will mark the beginning of the end of a world in which people choose their cars on the basis of its top speed and the time it takes to accelerate from 0 to 60mph. “It’s a sign of things to come,” he continued. “Increasingly, the car is going to decide what you can and can’t do.”

Increasingly, carmakers are trying to take the role of driving away from the driver. This view sees the driver as an unfortunate necessity, a stand-in for a computer until a computer can do the job. That view is winning. It’s winning in California and it’s winning in other places.

Whether this would work in America is a matter of debate as we’ve already experimented with a national speed limit and it didn’t last long.

Biden Recalls the Battle of Midway

“There was cotton-pickin’ candy, and PopCorn — not a bad dude. You think I’m joking. There was a Tilt-a-World. There was this thing that you hit with a hammer, who, when — and I won the kids and the babysitter a stuffed cloaca bear. But anyway…” {Military band starts playing to drown out his words. Vice President Harris dances a little.}

Straight Line of the Day: Quick! Biden’s Running Out of Lies! You Need To Submit One For Consideration…

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Cartoons and Memes

“Good morning Mr. Walrus, how are we today?”

“Hot, hot, hot. Better shed some of these clothes.”

“If you must.”

“Well, I must if that was an inclusive ‘We’.”



This week.











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