FBI Director Says the Bureau Is Unsure if Lincoln Was Hit by Bullet or Shrapnel

Lincoln Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and Pennies To Be Held in Abeyance Until Probe Completed

Poetry Corner — Kamala’s Problems

She had one job to do

Which she didn’t do;

He husband is white

And he’s also a Jew.

Dropped out without

A single primary vote

Slept her way into jobs

And worked for a scrote.

Biden Pledges To Pass the Touch to the Younger Generation

The New Covid: Falling Out of a Window in Russia

Top Russian Economist Dies After Falling Out of Window
Newsweek | 7/24/2024 | Isabel van Brugen

Valentina Bondarenko, a top Russian economist, has died at the age of 82 after falling out of her apartment window in Moscow, Russian state-run media reported on Tuesday.

Bondarenko, a leading research fellow at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, fell out of her apartment window on Monday evening, emergency services told news agency Tass.

“She fell out of the window of her apartment, unfortunately, it was not possible to save her, the injuries she received were incompatible with life,” the source said.

Democrats Select Tan Buick To Replace Kamala Harris on Top of Ticket

“Why not?” says strategist, gazing into his Bud Light. “Our voters don’t look past color.”

Well, I’m Reassured He’s in Control

BIDEN: “I stood in that winter . . . winter apparel and winter possibilities. Winter . . . Apparel possibilities.”

Straight Line of the Day: One Whole Wing of the Biden Presidential Library and Museum Will Be Dedicated To…

Welcome to IMAO! “Makeout Point” Just Ahead

Cartoons and Memes

Well howdy little lady, what you fixing to do?

“Gonna talk some politics and thought I better be packin’ these days.”

A woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do.


This week.











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