It Is a Friday Night Open Thread

You are allowed to state anything on your mind without fear of reprisal.

Unlike other times.

You Had One Word To Describe Your Product. Just One Word.

‘Boneless’ chicken wings can have bones, Ohio top court rules as it rejects choking diner’s suit
AP via NY Post | 07/25/2024

Consumers cannot expect boneless chicken wings to actually be free of bones, a divided Ohio Supreme Court ruled Thursday, rejecting claims by a restaurant patron who suffered serious medical complications from getting a bone stuck in his throat.

An Environmentally Socially Conscious Low-Carbon-Footprint Killer

Murder charges in drive-by shooting from Muni bus
KTVU  | July 24, 2024 | O. Gloria Okorie

SAN FRANCISCO – Murder charges have been filed stemming from a deadly drive-by shooting from a San Francisco Muni bus.

Jose Adrian Flores Garcia of San Francisco was charged with one count of murder and one count of discharging a firearm from a moving vehicle after he allegedly targeted a man in a “cold-blooded killing” in June, District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said.

The victim and two friends got off the bus at the Mission Street and Silver Avenue, and Flores Garcia allegedly opened a bus window, stuck his arm out, and shot the man before yelling at the bus driver to drive away, officials said.

Po­lice ar­rested Flo­res Gar­cia one month later on July 18 2024. Per SFPD pol­icy no mugshot will be re­leased on Flo­res Gar­cia, nor will in­for­ma­tion be pro­vided as to his cit­i­zen­ship or im­mi­gra­tion sta­tus.

Blithering Idiot in 2021


And the reason why so many people were leaving, we learned, was that not only gang violence and trafficking and cartels, but natural disasters, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes. And so it’s not like someone sits around a hand-hewnen [sic] — hand-hewn table somewhere in Guatemala and says, “I’ve got a great idea: Let’s sell everything we have, give the money to a coyote, have him take our kids or us to the border of America, take us across, leave us in the desert. We don’t speak the language. Won’t that be fun?”

One of the ways we learned is that if you deal with the problems in country, it benefits everyone. It benefits us, it benefits the people, and it grows the economies there.

Unfortunately, the last administration eliminated that funding — did not engage in it, did not use it — even though there was over $700 million to help get this done. We’re reinstituting that program. And there are — as I said, there are many factors as to why people leave in the first place.

But this is — this is the — the source of one of the reasons why we’ve had such a — before we took office, in the midst of the last administration’s somewhat draconian policies of separating children from their parents, et cetera, what happened was that we — we found that there were a serious spike in the number of people heading to the southern border, even in the midst of that. And as — as Alejandro can tell you, is that was because there were serious natural disasters that occurred in those countries. They were coming north, and we did nothing to do any — much about it.

So this new surge we’re dealing with now started with the last administration, but it’s our responsibility to deal with it humanely and to — and to stop what’s happening.

And so, this increase has been consequential, but the Vice President has agreed — among the multiple other things that I have her leading — and I appreciate it — agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept re- — the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.

We’re already talking with Mexico about that; she’s already done that. We’re going to be dealing with a full team now that we have to be able to deal with the problem here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of in country.

And I can think of nobody who — who is better qualified to do this than a former — this is a woman who ran the second-largest attorney general’s office in America — after the U.S. — after the United States Attorney General — in the state of California, and has done a great deal upholding human rights, but also fighting organized crime in the process.

Straight Line of the Day: The Only Thing Worse Than a Coked-Up Shark Is…

Sharks off Brazil coast test positive for cocaine
BBC | July 23, 2024 | George Wright

Sharks off the coast of Brazil have tested positive for cocaine, scientists say.

Marine biologists tested 13 Brazilian sharpnose sharks taken from the shores near Rio de Janeiro and found they tested for high levels of cocaine in their muscles and livers.

The concentrations were as much as 100 times higher than previously reported for other aquatic creatures.

Experts believe the cocaine is making its way into the waters via illegal labs where the drug is manufactured or through excrement of drug users.

Packs of cocaine lost or dumped by traffickers at sea could also be a source, though this is less likely, researchers say.

Welcome to IMAO! We’ve Googled Walrus, and Can’t Find Any History On Him

Friday Classic Funny

“Good morning Miss Munro, ready for the Olympics?”

“How do you get ready for the Olympics?”

“Hmmm, got me.”

“Then how about some funny?”

“Works for me.”