Friday Night Open Thread: Weird Things

You should probably write about weird things that you’ve seen or have happened to you. The rest of us might learn a valuable lesson.

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I think it’s weird there are so many Muslims in France. We should call them Paristanis and Paristinians.


  1. The Democrat Party is in total disarray. Their leader is addled. They are divided over replacing him and the battle for succession will leave more hard feelings. Meanwhile their opponents are more united and energized than ever.

    Is this punishment for embracing/tolerating Hamas while turning their back on Israel and Jews?

  2. Weird:
    Back to school time will soon be here. If you’re my age, you carried your books … and maybe those of a prospective date too … but NOW, every kid HAS to have a backpack. So, with everything on computers nowadays, there should be less book/paperwork, right?!
    What’s up wit dat?!

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