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‘They’ shrieked about ‘global warming’ — but now they admit we were ‘accidentally cooling’
American Thinker  | 07/08/2024 | Jack Hellner

When it comes to climate science, basically, researchers, mainstream media outlets, the UN, and the Democrats simply make things up as they go along to fit the narrative.

When the earth didn’t warm up as much as they predicted, they changed the terminology from global warming to climate change.

When hundreds of dire predictions never came true, and they had no scientific data to support their policies to destroy industries and our quality and way of life, they just made things up, just like they did with COVID.

Now, take a look at this, from The Washington Post, via Yahoo News:

We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop

It is widely accepted that humans have been heating up the planet for over a century by burning coal, oil and gas. Earth has already warmed by almost 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since preindustrial times, and the planet is poised to race past the hoped-for limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming.

But fewer people know that burning fossil fuels doesn’t just cause global warming – it also causes global cooling. It is one of the great ironies of climate change that air pollution, which has killed tens of millions, has also curbed some of the worst effects of a warming planet.

Tiny particles from the combustion of coal, oil and gas can reflect sunlight and spur the formation of clouds, shading the planet from the sun’s rays. Since the 1980s, those particles have offset between 40 and 80 percent of the warming caused by greenhouse gases.

And now, as society cleans up pollution, that cooling effect is waning. New regulations have cut the amount of sulfur aerosols from global shipping traffic across the oceans….


  1. Gotta read between the lines. What they are saying is that some pollution worked like a window shade in your car on a sunny day while the rest of the pollution acted like the rolled up windows. The car still gets hotter, just not as fast. Between the lines, sun light is bad. They are laying the groundwork for their sun-blocking plan. Gotta hand it to ’em, whoever is actually in charge has an excellent long game, and they are real good at being bad.

  2. What we have here is the ol’ “heads I win, tails you lose” with reducing emissions in order to stop global warming we are going to reduce the polution, which will cause global warning.

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