New Category?

We got the Harvey awards for 10 Bacon.

We have the Obscury for stumping the Mods.

I propose a new category as yet unnamed. If you get 5 “Like” for a post your post will be noted.

What do you guys think?


  1. Instead of a trophy, maybe just a ribbon. Not some cheap thing from Hobby Lobby, a nice ribbon, but we don’t want this overwhelming the distinguished Harvey Award. Maybe call it the Field Award, (“You like me! You really like me!”) though I would somehow like to integrate the Yak into it somehow, (What a Yakomplishment!) or the Emu.

    • I was wondering if the “Likes” being discussed were the stars or the thumbs up. I can’t hand out stars, because I refuse to make yet another account out of rebellious attitude and just a little ignorant fear. I can hand out thumbs up like I’m the fricken Fonz. However, I do think that stars and bacon should be combined when applied to award counts.

  2. Another oddity, while we’re on the subject:

    Literally thousands of trillions of people view this site each second, and yet we only get one or two “bacons” from the usual folks. The “Cartoons and Memes” feature, which has a robust response, indicates how many people should be voting, but aren’t.

    Oh, well. Voting’s not for everyone, as the Republican House just said. The Senate will shoot that down.

  3. I’m just bitter about missed obscuries. I mean, I once quoted Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and if that’s not obscure, I’m not sure what is. Now I’m gonna get back to my drummer.

    • Obscuries are exceedingly tough calls. Like splitting the atom.

      Can’t be too obscure. That’s too easy.

      Have to be funny and in context. That’s fairly easy for this crowd.

      Rejected if the staff already recognizes it . . .

      . . . easily.

      {The Supreme Court is currently ruling on how “easily” staff can recognize it. “Oh, wait, that sounds familiar, let me look it up” does qualify for an Obscury.}

      But, on the cusp, even if they’re not familiar with it, staff has to be intrigued enough to look it up and appreciate its humor and relation to the topic.

      This is a huge hurdle, because staff are lazy as Mrs. Beasley’s eyes (see?) and won’t Google unless they absolutely have to, the FBI being what it is.

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