Straight Line of the Day: Brilliant Idea of the French for the Olympics’ Closing Ceremony: …


  1. Macron will prohibit the Germans from participating in the closing ceremony as punishment for their bombing Pearl Harbor. Joe Biden issues a statement agreeing, since Beau died there.

  2. Mohammed depicted with several little girls dressed in harem dresses, guarded by similarly dressed Caucasian women, obviously chained as slaves because that is how infidels should be kept if they want to live..surrounded by ISIS flags and one guy holding a sign that asks to make throatslitting an Olympic demonstrator event.
    Cap it off with Macron pulling down a silver handle that causes the Seine river to flush.. need to call security..I’ll show myself out…

  3. A musical parody of The Book of Mormon but call it “The Koran”. They can use the same cast and costumes and the smurf man can be the angle Gabriel and the fat chick can be Moeeewhamid. Play out a few sceense from the Hadith of raping and pillaging and it will be fun for all. oh, yah, that little girl…. make her the star as Iasha, Moeewhamid’s child bride.

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