Your Faithful Reporter

Well, it’s 8:30 p.m. EST, and I just finished watching creepy whispering rambling Biden finish his press conference — which was scheduled for 5:30 EST, and rescheduled to 6:30 EST, and began at 7:30 EST — and I am confused and depressed, amused, exhausted, and vindicated.

Apart from praising “vice president Trump,” I can’t remember the good zinger he ended up with.

The shame is, when I resort to the White House transcript, it will all read like Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.


Five-minute version of the event on YouTube — someone compiled a sample of his stupidity, but by no means all of it.


  1. Oh, yeah — now I remember: He claims he’s had three neurological exams in the past year or two, so the press muppet may have to correct her statement that there was only one as part of a routine exam.

    He clarified:

    He saw a neurologist and found out he has a bad foot.

  2. The press conference would have been wrapped up a half Hur earlier if they edited out his use of “anyway” when he lost his train of thought.

    “I’m going down to the Johnson Library … anyway … MORE CHILDREN ARE KILLED BY GUNS THAN ALL OTHER CAUSES! By bullets. IN AMERICA!!!!! … anyway … ”

    He said Delaware has more corporations registered than all other states combined. True? Does that not hint at corruption?

    • The only thing that is getting Japan and Korea somewhat friendly towards each other is Communist China.

      Thanks to the ChiComs, there’s a tenuous alliance of Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan and… Vietnam.

      Crazy times we live in.

  3. Live Transcriber: “I have spent more time with Xi … for real — and I handed in all my notes — Xi believes that China is a large enough market to invest there in return for commitments to do A, B, C, D, or not do things … number of balloons quote-unquote that came to an end … Xi and me … Xi understands there’s a price to pay for undercutting both the Pacific Basin and Europe .. a billion people … not a billion people … that got curtailed when we said to play by the same rules.”

    Sane. Capable. Healthy. Truthful.

  4. “Four snores and seven minutes ago, I had a dream, that my wretched children would not be judged by a jury of 12, but on the basis of their political affiliation. In the famous words of Patrick Henry, we are taking your liberty and giving you death. Oh wait, that was Pfizer and Fauci. Whatever. You have nothing to fear except a Harris administration. And I conclude that you ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for what’s left of your country, as a result of the day that will live in infamy: November 3, 2020. That day was not our finest hour. Stop reading. Look up. Smile. Try not to look like a deer in the headlights. Too late. Sigh.”

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