Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

“Hi Miss Cardinale, whatchya doing?”


“Thinking? About me?”





This week.











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Which one is funniest?
180 votes · 180 answers

Gotta Love ABC

Bud Light boycott still hammers local distributors 1 year later: ‘Very upsetting’
ABC | 6/14/24 | Max Zahn

When conservative activists set aflame boxes of Bud Light …

What, empty cardboard boxes? I’d urge ABC to produce footage of boxes containing full bottles or cans aflame, to back up their claim.

And did they purchase them? Then no financial loss to Bud Light took place.

… and urged a boycott in response to an endorsement from a trans influencer last spring, they sent sales of the beer plummeting in a rare success in the long history of consumer movements.

Even more improbably, the backlash continues to hammer Bud Light and strain independent local wholesalers …

Does anyone believe that wholesalers for such a major brand are ‘independent’ in their messaging?

And, by the way, every business site is ‘local,’ by definition.

… more than a year later, according to third-party sales data shared with ABC News as well as interviews with six Anheuser-Busch wholesalers.

Translation: We interviewed fifteen distributors, but only got useful quotes from six. So technically, you can say this article is based on interviews with six Anheuser-Busch wholesalers.

Most of the wholesalers, small- and medium-sized businesses that draw a significant portion of their revenue from Bud Light, said they remain weakened by the decline in sales and uncertain about when, if ever, the brand will fully recover.

B-boo hoo. Tell Bud Light not to make stupid marketing decisions.

Buggy-whip makers fail to sympathize.

The owner of an Anheuser-Busch wholesaler in the Northeast, whose child is trans, told ABC News they have taken a 30% pay cut to make up for the losses and are considering retirement.

That’s why I said you’ve gotta love ABC.

What breed is “their” cat? Who cares about their kid?

Names, or it didn’t happen. We’re not talking about whistleblowers here.

“Another distributor said MAGA Republicans burned a cross on his lawn.”

They were making over a 30% profit? Price gouging!

We Can Do What We Have Accomplished Thus Far

“I believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate. And to do that, we can do what we have accomplished thus far,” Harris said.

Kamala Harris Invents 2020 Fracking Position To Hide Her Actual Views
The Federalist | 08/30/2024 | Brianna Lyman

IMAO interns unavailable for comment.

Whoops! It’s Been There All Along

They just discovered it? It lifts up the sky? Helps drive the majority of weather patterns across the globe? So everything is settled now?

NASA makes discovery ‘as important as gravity’ about Earth
the telegram via msn | 8/29/24 | Sarah Knapton

A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough.

The ambipolar electric field, which begins 150 miles above the planet, has been described as a “great invisible force” that lifts up the sky and is responsible for the polar winds.

The polar winds interact with the jet streams to help drive the majority of weather patterns across the globe.

Until now, the field had only been theorised, but a NASA team, which includes scientists from the University of Leicester, has now sent a rocket into the field and measured it for the first time.

Leicester? Say no more!


Solar winds

Polar winds

Breaking: those high roller winds.

Drain the bottles, hoary models

Now consigned to rubbish bins.

Kamala Harris Claims, Without Evidence, That She Worked at McDonald’s and ‘Made the Grimace Purple’

In April, Harris appeared on The Drew Barrymore Show, where she was asked if she worked at the fast food restaurant.

‘I did. Yes, I did work at McDonald’s,’ the vice president said. ‘When I was at school…I did fries. And then I did the cashier.’

That’s believable. But also claimed without evidence:

Kamala Has Bidenesque Brain Break During Georgia Rally
PJ Media | 08/30/2024 | Matt Margolis

Something tells me that Democrats are going to wish she’d faded into obscurity during this election cycle too. Take, for example, her latest rally in Savannah, Ga., where she had a Bidenesque incident.

“He even called for termination of the United States supreme, the c — the supreme land of our nation, the United States Constitution,” Kamala said.

If any of you would like to take a stab at translating that, go for it. I certainly can’t make sense of it. I guess she was trying to say without evidence that Donald Trump called for the termination of the Constitution?

Walz Reveals He Damn Near Died Alongside Beau in Iraq

With a weapon of war in his hand.

Decided right then and there to make eighty trips to China.

Straight Line of the Day: A Reading From the First Letter of Harris Poll To The Galaxians: …

(Hope not to epistle anyone off.)

Welcome to IMAO! Remember To Stay in Your Lane

… You can check out any time you want, but you can never weave.

Don’t be alarmed at the random explosions at the headquarters complex.

Democrat Rules

Friday Night Open Thread

Or ain’t nobody got time for that?

Presidential Candidate Discovers That Covid Masks Don’t Block Sperm Cells, Which Are Way Larger Than a Virus

Filed under One-Shots.

Voting Machines Are Just Like Claw Machines

Claw machine games are Rio de Janeiro’s new public enemy
AP | 29 Aug 2024 | David Biller

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Rio de Janeiro — already notorious for street muggings, corrupt politicians, ruthless militias and Kalashnikov-toting drug traffickers — has a new public enemy: plushies. Or, more specifically, the joystick-controlled claw machines that dispense them….

Officers seized claw machines, laptops, tablets, cell phones, a firearm and — yes — furry friends. They are investigating whether organized crime groups may be the invisible hand behind the claw…

The fate of the stuffed animals seized Wednesday was still unclear…..

Voters can get stuffed!

Do We Have a SeaTow or AAA Account?

Centrifuge – A bunch of things that point in the same direction.
Substack – Tell Me How This Ends | 26 Aug, 2024 | Chris Bray

Three of the US Army logistics vessels that participated in the absurd Gaza aid pier operation can’t get home under their own power. The Military Sealift Command is soliciting bids from contractors who can bring the boats back to Norfolk on float-on/float-off vessels. So the JLOTS mission has rendered a portion of the “army’s navy” inoperative, or marginally operative, limiting the army’s logistics fleet for months — at least.

Let’s just use the same sentence again: If anyone can find what’s left of Joe Biden, it would be interesting to hear him slur his thoughts about this.

Way to think ahead, Army!

Straight Line of the Day: A Typical Comment From Oppo’s Mom: …

Not Oppo’s mom:


Lee Meriwether
Bat Girl – Yvonne Craig

Hell! Between these, “Gilligan’s Island,” and Audra Barkley, it’s astounding to me I made it out of those years without a hernia.

Welcome to IMAO! Interns Waiting For a Ride to IMAO Headquarters

They might want to study the posters on the wall. (Because our posters are usually off the wall.)