Kamala Was Never the Border Czar / Trump Wasn’t Hit By a Bullet / and the Olympics Weren’t Mocking “The Last Supper”

Mocking Christ in Paris
Gloria Romanorum | July 31, 2024 | Florentius

… there is a social media trope out there that maintains that the tawdry performance was not meant to ridicule the Last Supper at all. That it was, instead, merely an attempt to mimic a well-known French painting showing the pagan gods at a Bacchanalian. Those who can not appreciate this homage to French art—so the trope goes—as performed by a bunch of overweight men prancing around in their granny’s flapper garb, are ignorant, uneducated, intolerant, overly-sensitive, and otherwise bad people who can be safely ignored.


Mysterious Gigantic Features Discovered Beneath Antarctica’s Dotson Ice Shelf by Underwater Robotic Survey
The Debrief | August 01, 2024 | Micah Hanks

Sorry, ladies. It’s just me dreaming about Mika.

When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go

This 23-Floor Manhattan Office Building Just Sold at a 97.5% Discount
New York Times | 31st July 2024 | Matthew Haag

In 2006, the hulking office building at 135 West 50th Street in Midtown Manhattan sold for $332 million. Tenants occupied nearly every floor; offices were in demand; real estate was booming.

On Wednesday, it changed hands again . . . for $8.5 million.

…The buyer faces an immediate financial challenge: The auction was for the building itself, not the land. That is owned by a publicly traded real estate firm, which collects a monthly lease. But the rent from the building’s current tenants is not enough to cover those monthly payments, which are set to increase every five years and do not expire until 2123.

135 West 50th has more than 920,000 square feet but is just 35 percent occupied with office tenants, down from about 40 percent a year ago.

Ummm . . . I’m no financial genius, but . . . Democrats?

Straight Line of the Day: Men Beating Women Is Now an Olympic Sport. Other Ideas for Categories: …

Female boxer yells ‘this is unjust’ and falls to her knees in tears as she quits fight against ‘biologically male’ Olympic opponent Imane Khelif after just 46 SECONDS following two powerful punches
Daily Mail | August 1, 2024 | Shekhar Bhatia, Tom Cotterill

Boxer in middle of Olympics gender storm forces distraught first opponent to quit 46 seconds into fight
NY Post.com | 8/1/24 | Justin Terranova

Paris Olympics: Boxer With Male Chromosomes Absolutely PUMMELS Female Boxer, Who Leaves Ring in Tears
PJ Media | 08/01/24 | Rick Moran

This says it all:

Welcome to IMAO! FYI, This Does Not Work on Emus

Punching An Attacking Grizzly In The Face Might Work, But Not Recommended
Cowboy State Daily | July 29, 2024 | Mark Heinz

A man in British Columbia stopped a grizzly attack by punching the bear in the face…

It’s possible to fight off a grizzly with a stout punch to the snout, but only as an absolute last-ditch tactic.

By that point, a lot of things will have gone wrong,” retired Forest Service and National Park ranger Richard Jones told Cowboy State Daily.

Portrait of an Alaskan brown bear walking through a field in McNeil River State Game Sanctuary and Refuge


Hunt Ends in Ambush: Hunter Uses 10mm Pistol to Stop Bear Attack
AmmoLand | July 31, 2024 | Dean Weingarten

The following occurred in a few seconds:

The bear charged the guide from the front, appearing 20 feet away. The guide managed to get off one shot, which hit the bear in the chest/shoulder area, slowing the bear. The guide fired another shot as he backed away, tripping on the brush. The second shot missed as the guide fell backward, trapped in place by the tangled vegetation. The guide yelled for help. Tyce crawled forward to get a shot at the bear without shooting the guide. Alongside the guide, Tyce used the 10mm to fire three rapid shots at the bear, which was whirling around 12 feet away. The bear dropped, rolled downhill, and lay still.

Much better plan than punching on the nose.

Cartoons and Memes

Good morning Miss Welch, what do we have for today?”



“Pussy cats silly.”




This week.










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