If I Had X-Ray Specs, I’d Be a So Much Happier Oppo

… and when they invent Touch-O-Vision, I won’t object to that, either.

… But Don’t Go to Russia

American ballerina left out of Russia prisoner swap pleads guilty to treason: report
Fox | 07 Aug 2024 | Greg Norman

A U.S.-Russian ballerina who was not part of last week’s massive prisoner swap between Russia and the West has pleaded guilty Wednesday to a treason charge, reports say…

Karelina, a dual-citizen, lives in Los Angeles but was detained while visiting family in Russia in February. Authorities claim that Karelina raised money for the Ukrainian army and took part in “public actions” that supported Ukraine while in the U.S….

authorities reportedly examined Karelina’s phone, producing photos that appear to show her at an anti-Putin and anti-war protest in Los Angeles, where she was holding a sign declaring, “We want peace.”

One pro-Putin news outlet indicated that the charge related to money she sent to a Ukrainian charity – a total sum of $51.80.

Oppo’s Mom: “Why Are You Always Like a Freaking Heat-Seeking Missile at the TV When ‘Maude’ Is On? And Where Do You Disappear To Afterwards? Oppo? I’m Talking To You…?”

Save the “Oppo’s Mom” jokes until Tuesday. I think it’ll make a good Straight Line of the Day.

Be Like Taylor Swift

I don’t mean be sexy and worth billions. I mean this:

“My fear of violence has continued into my personal life,” Swift said. “I carry QuikClot army grade bandage dressing, which is for gunshot or stab wounds.”


Where does she hide it?

… Speaking of Fantasies

Some things will never, ever age. Even if you do.

Friday Fantasy

You — you yourself — are on a desert island with no real competition to speak of.

Where’s the real Ginger?

And you:

They couldn’t show any lower in the photo because of his member.

So This Is Why Girls Can’t Resist Me? Damn — I Thought It Was Something Else

You had me at “Send No Money.”

Misinformation / Disinformation

A dog — a cute Lhasa Apso, if I remember correctly — came up with the theory of relativity, which Einstein stole.

The question before the court is: should it be a crime to propagate such a statement?

Britain says yes. What does America say?

Straight Line of the Day: A Great Debate Topic for Kamala and Trump: …

Welcome to IMAO! Meet The Ancestors

Friday Classic Funny

“Hi Mr. Walrus, was that Miss Cruz I saw yesterday?”

“Yes it was, good to see her again.”

“I agree.”

“Not as much as me.”

“You’d be surprised.”