When All Was Said and Done, She Left With My Credit Card

All night long, it was “Oh, Oppo! Tell me your PIN!” I should re-evaluate my decision-making process.

Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

Check out our Thursday Cartoon and Meme voting.

“Good evening Mr. Walrus”

“Good evening Miss Cardinale, dressed for bed?”



“I’m tired.”

“No, why are you dressed?”



This week.











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Which one is funniest?
231 votes · 231 answers

Whenever I’m Bored, I Google “Gilligan’s Island”



Hottest … Get rid of Thurston.

… and Lovey.

Those gold pants would not last even a microsecond in Oppo’s world

Saturday Sexiness

Is that a thing?


Captain Marvel – Brie Larson

My medical diagnosis:

If you can view the following two photos without your hands impulsively seeking some form of employment, then you’re not a man — in the commonly accepted meaning of the term.

Biden Threatens Press!


I don’t buy this idea that you’re not going to let — you’re going to let these people rot in jail because other people may be captured.

We’ve sent out all the notifications to all the other countries — all our citizens of countries not to go to, what to do, what not to do, and they’ve got to pay attention.

I got more work to do, so —

Q When did you know you got the deal done? [And can you finish one train of thought?]

… So, anyway, look, it gets down trust. It’s — and I really — I mean it. I know everybody thinks I talk about the notion of relationships with foreign policy with other countries. Much of it — and you’ve heard me kid with Barack — he’d kid me — all politics is personal. It matters. Other leaders trust you, you trust them, you get things done. And that’s how this got done: with a lot of — a lot of help.

Q Is that chance for a ceasefire ruined after the assassination of Haniyeh?


Q And what did you have to say to the family members and the three Americans, sir?


Q What did you have to say to the three Americans and their family members, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: Welcome home and beyond that.

Q And, Mr. President, should American journalists ever feel afraid about reporting abroad?

THE PRESIDENT: I think — look, no matter where you are, there’s certain places that you’re going to be afraid. I mean, I’m — the idea you’re never going to be afraid, you’d never show up anywhere in — in the Middle East, you wouldn’t show up anywhere in Russia, you wouldn’t show up anywhere. It matters. It matters to be aware of what you’re going into and not to take undue chances because it’s going to — because I’m going to come get you.

Sycophant 1: Q Of your many achievements —

Sycophant 2: Q And, Mr. President, how —

Sycophant 3: Q — where does this rank among your many achievements as president?

THE PRESIDENT: I’d still get it done even if I was seeking a second term. Not in the — I’m still — you’re stuck with me as president for a while, kid. There’s no way out. Okay? You got me for at least another hundred — 90 days or so.



Pubes are nasty. I prefer breasts. They’re so clean and articulate.

In order to test the limits of a G-rated site, I thought I’d see if FrnakJ or Basil would kick me off immediately for posting a title like that — leaving Walrus in charge, which he is anyway. I mean, let’s face it, I had a pretty good run. And all I could get was this chick, not Mika:

“Oppo, you still talking to those guys? I ain’t going to lubricate myslef.”

Here’s What You See When You Open Walrus’s Office Door Without Knocking

I won’t make that mistake a hundred times again.


Girls are so damned cute. They have all these rounded angles, and they keep wanting me.







Yup. And I “Misspoke” When I Claimed I Served in Katmandu and Earned the Nobel Prize

Tim Walz ‘misspoke’ when he discussed using weapons ‘in war,’ campaign says

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz “misspoke” in a 2018 video circulated by the Harris campaign earlier this week that included the vice presidential candidate talking about his handling of weapons “in war,” a campaign spokesperson said Friday.

While the National Guard in every state does give an opportunity for many to serve as a ready reserve, the real test comes when they are mobilized for a war zone. Almost every able-bodied reservist answers the call, but there are always a few who flake out and quit.

I just played strip poker with Mika and Morgan Fairchild — wait, I misspoke.

Buttons. I hate buttons.

“Oppo, will you free me from these constraining buttons—”

The SHADOWY KILLER Has Asked Us To Please Stop Using His Nickname

OK, Shadowy Killer.

My co-worker’s name was Martha. She sure looked a lot like this. God, I had a fun working environment. Couldn’t wait to get to work. Summer, winter, it all worked. And if there’s an afterlife, I want us to hook up meaningfully. Perhaps on her desk.

Bombs in Hawaii? WTH?

According to the Beat of Hawaii, Hawai’i Travel News website:

Cherished Maui, on the first anniversary of the tragic Lahaina fire, is experiencing the report of significant safety concerns due to the discovery of potential explosive devices just reported by the FBI. There have been other suspected incidents reported on Maui since last year.

Update at 11:40 pm. There have been reports of an explosion about two hours ago in Pukalani. We don’t know yet if this is related to the earlier report.

The FBI and Maui Police Department are together investigating several incidents involving Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) found in public areas, and the Kahului and Pukalani regions were specifically mentioned. Although no injuries have occurred, this situation led to a public safety warning being issued this afternoon, which is important to both residents and visitors.

Third-World Problems

Kamala, Who is Half-Indian, Fails to Speak About Hindu Massacres in Bangladesh
FrontPage Magazine ^ | Aug 8 2024 | Daniel Greenfield

When it was convenient, she pretended to be the “first Indian-American senator”.

Last week we had the big loud debate over what race Kamala Harris is. As I’ve said before, I don’t think she’s anything. Her identity is as negotiable as anything else. And like Obama, it doesn’t fit the American identity politics calculus anyway.

Like a lot of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, she’s a member of a high-achieving minority group (who is admittedly a lot dumber than the average Indian and Jamaican immigrant) with some family ties, but little sense of belonging to anything beyond a social class.

Kamala’s cooking session with Mindy Kaling gets at how Indian she is which is as much as your average liberal Jew is Jewish. They picked up some things growing up, mostly foods, a few words, and fond memories, but no real sense of identity, belief or commitment.

The media has mostly ignored or downplayed the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh, much as it previously did the Muslim massacres of Chinese in Indonesia or of Christians in Nigeria. The New York Times even justified them as “revenge” because the Muslim majority attacking a non-Muslim minority are still oppressed.

Kamala constantly comments on how awful Israel’s defense against Islamic terrorists is, but has nothing to say about the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh.

Remarks by Vice President Harris at Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated’s 60th International Biennial Boule

July 31, 2024

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Good evening, everyone.  Good evening.  (Applause.)

Oh, it is so good to be with all the leaders who are here.

I want to thank the International president, Rasheeda S. Liberty. 

Rasheeda S. Liberty ?

And to all the members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated —

AUDIENCE:  Ee-yip!

Since 1922, the members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated —

AUDIENCE:  Ee-yip!

“Project 2025.”


So, in conclusion, I say to the incredible members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated

AUDIENCE:  Ee-yip!

Straight Line of the Day: When You Look at Medieval History Using Queer Theory,…

Harvard To Offer Class Examining Medieval Texts Through Lens Of ‘Queer Theory’
Campus Reform | 08/06/2024

Harvard’s English department will be featuring a “Queer/Medieval” class in the upcoming spring 2025 semester. The course will be an “introduction to queer theory as an intellectual…

Shouldn’t that read “irrelevant”? And queer?

… tool with which to read texts far removed from the political, cultural, and social discourses from which queer theory emerged,” specifically, in this case, medieval texts.

“We will ask: what can queer theory offer readers of medieval literature in its explorations of gender, sexuality, race, power, narrative, trauma, and time?” the course description states.

“— And of shoes, ships, sealing wax, cabbages, and kings.”

The course will use the lens of “queer theory” to examine classic medieval texts such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Does the Green Knight get Greta? Or is he queer?

Though the course is listed on Harvard’s website as taking place in the spring 2025 semester, a Harvard official told Campus Reform that it will actually take place in the fall of 2024.

Or in the fall of civilization.

The course will be taught by Assistant Professor of English Anna Wilson, Harvard’s “Medieval Studies Faculty Liaison for Equity and Diversity.”

Man, we’ve got to get one of those, too.

Welcome to IMAO! We Won’t Be Around Tomorrow, Because Someone Rented Our Office Space

IMAO Welcomes Any and All Cougars

Saw her on an ad on MSN’s news feed. She obviously wants me.

Then, below that, there was this, advertising a video game “For Men Over 30.” What the…?

Guys under 30 wouldn’t find her interesting?

Getting back to cougars, here’s what Mika would look like lying down:

I have way too much time on my hands, I think.