Friday Night Open Thread

Or ain’t nobody got time for that?

Presidential Candidate Discovers That Covid Masks Don’t Block Sperm Cells, Which Are Way Larger Than a Virus

Filed under One-Shots.

Voting Machines Are Just Like Claw Machines

Claw machine games are Rio de Janeiro’s new public enemy
AP | 29 Aug 2024 | David Biller

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Rio de Janeiro — already notorious for street muggings, corrupt politicians, ruthless militias and Kalashnikov-toting drug traffickers — has a new public enemy: plushies. Or, more specifically, the joystick-controlled claw machines that dispense them….

Officers seized claw machines, laptops, tablets, cell phones, a firearm and — yes — furry friends. They are investigating whether organized crime groups may be the invisible hand behind the claw…

The fate of the stuffed animals seized Wednesday was still unclear…..

Voters can get stuffed!

Do We Have a SeaTow or AAA Account?

Centrifuge – A bunch of things that point in the same direction.
Substack – Tell Me How This Ends | 26 Aug, 2024 | Chris Bray

Three of the US Army logistics vessels that participated in the absurd Gaza aid pier operation can’t get home under their own power. The Military Sealift Command is soliciting bids from contractors who can bring the boats back to Norfolk on float-on/float-off vessels. So the JLOTS mission has rendered a portion of the “army’s navy” inoperative, or marginally operative, limiting the army’s logistics fleet for months — at least.

Let’s just use the same sentence again: If anyone can find what’s left of Joe Biden, it would be interesting to hear him slur his thoughts about this.

Way to think ahead, Army!

Straight Line of the Day: A Typical Comment From Oppo’s Mom: …

Not Oppo’s mom:


Lee Meriwether
Bat Girl – Yvonne Craig

Hell! Between these, “Gilligan’s Island,” and Audra Barkley, it’s astounding to me I made it out of those years without a hernia.

Welcome to IMAO! Interns Waiting For a Ride to IMAO Headquarters

They might want to study the posters on the wall. (Because our posters are usually off the wall.)

Friday Classic Funny

“Hi Mr. Walrus, found some more Far Sides for you.”

“Excellent, anything else?”

“Some funny videos, may be classic someday.”

“Bring it on.”