Biden Threatens Press!


I don’t buy this idea that you’re not going to let — you’re going to let these people rot in jail because other people may be captured.

We’ve sent out all the notifications to all the other countries — all our citizens of countries not to go to, what to do, what not to do, and they’ve got to pay attention.

I got more work to do, so —

Q When did you know you got the deal done? [And can you finish one train of thought?]

… So, anyway, look, it gets down trust. It’s — and I really — I mean it. I know everybody thinks I talk about the notion of relationships with foreign policy with other countries. Much of it — and you’ve heard me kid with Barack — he’d kid me — all politics is personal. It matters. Other leaders trust you, you trust them, you get things done. And that’s how this got done: with a lot of — a lot of help.

Q Is that chance for a ceasefire ruined after the assassination of Haniyeh?


Q And what did you have to say to the family members and the three Americans, sir?


Q What did you have to say to the three Americans and their family members, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: Welcome home and beyond that.

Q And, Mr. President, should American journalists ever feel afraid about reporting abroad?

THE PRESIDENT: I think — look, no matter where you are, there’s certain places that you’re going to be afraid. I mean, I’m — the idea you’re never going to be afraid, you’d never show up anywhere in — in the Middle East, you wouldn’t show up anywhere in Russia, you wouldn’t show up anywhere. It matters. It matters to be aware of what you’re going into and not to take undue chances because it’s going to — because I’m going to come get you.

Sycophant 1: Q Of your many achievements —

Sycophant 2: Q And, Mr. President, how —

Sycophant 3: Q — where does this rank among your many achievements as president?

THE PRESIDENT: I’d still get it done even if I was seeking a second term. Not in the — I’m still — you’re stuck with me as president for a while, kid. There’s no way out. Okay? You got me for at least another hundred — 90 days or so.



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