Straight Line of the Day: A Reading From the First Letter of Harris Poll To The Galaxians: …

(Hope not to epistle anyone off.)


  1. Welcome, undocumented space aliens! Be sure to fill out the paper work for your free travel & phones, drivers licenses and voter registration. You can’t actually legally vote (wink, wink) but it’s not like I’ll be sending the police after you. [cackle]

    • “To your planet, WELCOME!”

      “Oh, forgive. I here am new. But you are known, being DamnCat from IMAO..”

      “There aren’t gonna be any damned permits! How can you get a permit to do a damned illegal thing? Look, price you name, money I got.”

      “Place you name, money I name, otherwise bargain, no.”

      “Alright, damn it! It’s D.C.! The name of the place we’re going is D.C.!

      “D.C. allowed is not! Is city forbidden!”

  2. In the name of all I hold sacred, I welcome you. My values have not changed, just as your value to me has never wavered. I promise to clear the way for you to harvest whatever resources you require, while hiding the environmental damage through massive, untested experiments in clean energy generation, and through closing off even more rare-metal rich public lands to public use. They’ll never see what hit them until it’s too late… but please help me by making sure that they never discover what I truly hold sacred…

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