Whoops! It’s Been There All Along

They just discovered it? It lifts up the sky? Helps drive the majority of weather patterns across the globe? So everything is settled now?

NASA makes discovery ‘as important as gravity’ about Earth
the telegram via msn | 8/29/24 | Sarah Knapton

A new planet-wide electric field that is as fundamental to Earth as gravity has been discovered in a major scientific breakthrough.

The ambipolar electric field, which begins 150 miles above the planet, has been described as a “great invisible force” that lifts up the sky and is responsible for the polar winds.

The polar winds interact with the jet streams to help drive the majority of weather patterns across the globe.

Until now, the field had only been theorised, but a NASA team, which includes scientists from the University of Leicester, has now sent a rocket into the field and measured it for the first time.

Leicester? Say no more!


Solar winds

Polar winds

Breaking: those high roller winds.

Drain the bottles, hoary models

Now consigned to rubbish bins.


  1. Amazing. So when someone screams “the sky is falling”!…it could actually be true.. then the Ambipolar Electric Field kicks in and saves us and no knows what will happen if the Electric Field goes just bipolar someday.

  2. Is this sci-fi? Didn’t know the University of Leicester or the UK or NASA had any factual “scientists.”
    I did hear though that Harris and her mini-me Walz were coming out in support of all those identifying as ambipolar.

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