Oppo Coyly Approaches Mika Off-Camera

Quite Frankly, I Think You Should Take a Sedative and Cease Worrying About the Direction in Which the Country’s Going

All this attention to detail can no longer serve a useful purpose.

Today’s Puzzle

You’re at a river. You want to cross it in a canoe, which is only big enough for you and one other item. On this side of the river you have a fox, a chicken, and a bushel of corn. You want to get them all to the other side.

A: What the hell is wrong with you? You don’t have anything better to do?

A: Get another canoe. Duh.

A: Why do you have a fox, a chicken, and a bushel of corn?

Straight Line of the Day: Do You Have Climate Grief? How Do You Deal With It?

Welcome to IMAO! Debut of My New Spy Character: “Boinkers. James Boinkers.”

“Inside” is almost right.