I Am Not a Bot. I Am in Yoor House 

Please enable yoor camera is you are a hot woman undressing, but please not if you are a typical IMAO male.

On second thought, what good would that do me? Please come to my house if you are a hot woman undressing. But save it till you get here. Again, would not be of benefit to me if you undressed on the way. Possibly dangerous, too, if you drive a stick. Are panty hose still a thing? I can foresee problems with the brake pedal.

It’s Saturday. I’m Working on a Screenplay. A Serious Screenplay

All I have so far is the intro. Need a little help with the second verse.

Come and listen to my story ’bout a man named Oppo

From watching various movies, he believed there was a babe Gestapo

And then one day he was shootin’ for some feud

And up through his mind came a Babe-ylon crude:

“Vile, that is.

Mmm. Back bacon.

Texas toast.”

Welcome to IMAO! A TwoFer

She’ll go from cigarettes to booze.

Trust me, guys, it’s just that easy!