I Write the Scripts, You See

… and then Ginger, panting, comes into the room, collapses on a chair, and says:

“Believe me, Mary Ann: either you’re going to have to make Oppo’s jockeys larger or put in some more pleats!”

Mary Ann, without replying, absent-mindedly unbuttons her top two buttons and starts brushing her hair.

“No,” says Ginger. “You don’t understand…”


  1. I’ve been alive forever
    And I wrote the very first script
    I put the words and the blocking together
    I am Oppo, and I write the scripts
    I write the scripts that make the whole world cringe
    I write wardrobe mishaps and special things
    I write the scripts that make the young girls cry
    I write the scripts, I write the scripts

        • Took me ten tries to comment, but . . .

          If you guys ever want to see a master class in blocking, YouTube has one on a five-or-ten-minute scene from Hitchcock’s “Vertigo” — complete with diagrams — that made me realize how little I know about stagecraft, and the genius that went into the planning of this one minor scene. minute by minute, step by step.

          Oh, and Ginger may never walk normally again, after our encounter.

          And what’s with Mary Ann’s breast? Shouldn’t someone hold it? It looks a little loose, yet liable to emerge from the fabric.

      • Industry-adjacent – grew up two miles from Warner Brothers, three from Disney Studios. I had friends who were grips, NBC pages, makeup artists, illustrators, extras, performers and, yes, writers… never worked in the biz, though.

  2. I like them both, but I do have to admit to liking the innocence of Mary Ann.

    Ginger I’d want to devastate; Mary Ann I’d like to fulfill or satisfy.

    Wow. That’s a whole lot of woman in one small package.

  3. Has IMAO been hacked by Taylor Swift because she hates Trump Supporters more than all of her Exes? BTW, She should have named it the Exes Tour instead of the Eras Tour. She was dressed like a 2-bit Pole Dancer at the game last night and it soured my stomach.

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