Bo or Beau?

Remarks by President Biden in Press Gaggle

Rehoboth Beach, DE

August 31, 2024

St. Edmond’s Catholic Church
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

6:25 P.M. EDT

Q    Why do you think you’re on the verge of an agreement?  How optimistic are you?

THE PRESIDENT:  I’m still optimistic because the leaders of both have led — have met in Ga- — in bo- — in Egypt.  Our people are continuing to meet, and we think we can close the deal.  They’ve all said they agree on the principles.  So, keep your fingers crossed.

Q    Mr. President, what do you think of President Trump’s behavior in Arlington Cemetery with the — the visit to the — to the fallen soldiers?

THE PRESIDENT:  I don’t want to answer because I may tell you what I think.

[Also Kamala’s campaign strategy.]

Q    What are your campaign plans, Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT:  (Inaudible.)  We’re going to be — I’m doing Memorial [Labor] Day in Pittsburgh, and I’m on the road from there on. [Holiday corrected by transcript writer.]

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