They’re All Working as Press Secretaries

The World is Running Out of Children as Global Birth Rates Collapse
Life News | September 4, 2024 | Steven Mosher

The result of all of these empty wombs is that humanity just passed a major milestone, although not one we should celebrate.

For the first time in the 60,000 or so years that human beings first arrived on the planet, we are not having enough babies to replace ourselves.

“Empty wombs”? You sure you want to go there, Dr. Strangelove?


  1. While I would prefer that certain people still make babies, and it’s probably not the ones who are, I think less babies overall is still a good thing. I know all our systems are ultimately pyramid schemes and as such we are all fracked. But simply not having babies seems the most humane way of reducing the number of idiots and conserving resources. Maybe this means that someday I’ll be able to get the acreage I’ve always wanted.

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