Straight Line of the Day: What Are We Doing Here, Anyway?


  1. For all I know this could just be a computer game some kid is playing on another planet where their species is outside of time and has figured out how to create and collapse galaxies at will, true masters of the universe.

  2. I am privileged to occasionally hobnob with many ultra-intellectuals who generously project their arrogant opinions and occasional humorous narratives in hopes of acquiring virtual bacon.

  3. With a lack of women here, you’re right to question it. Has Walrus only attracted men with his famous pictorial reviews and polls?

    Maybe try posting some pictures of male hunks attached to fish hooks and when women bite, you reel them in and press them into service?

  4. I don’t know about you, but I am low key investigating the disappearance of a yak. Keep it under your hat. (Uh, I mean, keep the information that I am running an ivestigation under your hat, not the yak, not that a yak would actually fit under your hat, but we want the yak returned, so keeping it under your hat would kind of defeat the purpose of my entire investigation.)

    Also, has anybody seen a shillelagh lying around?

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