Mysterious and Vibrantly Colorful, This Newly Discovered Species May Already Be Living in Your Aquarium The Debrief | January 14, 2025 | Micah Hanks
Researchers have made a rare discovery in an unlikely place: a previously undocumented aquatic species found in an ordinary shipment of aquarium pets.
According to researchers in the Czech Republic who made the surprise discovery, a vibrantly colored new crustacean has been dubbed Cherax pulverulentus, which means “the dusty crayfish.”
How much including shipping & handling?
Asking for a friend.
I remember those ads, always heard they were just some kind of tiny shrimp. Just like the “hovercraft” plans, these always seemed too good to be true.
Probasbly cost about $10 now under Biden.
How many Grit newspapers would I have to deliver to afford this?
I can get the latest copies for $7.50 each…so you would only have to sell about 16 of them.
Those Royals – they always think that they’re better than me. Well, they may well be, but they shouldn’t think that, anyway…
Can I put them in my aquarium? Or will my fish gobble them up? Or will they eat my fish?!!
Are they related to Scary Evil Monkey?
Does it come with the castle shown? I like castles.
Do they learn English? And are they castle trained? How big do they get?
What are their pronouns?
(Okay, forget that last one.)
Too many questions. Too little time!
Re: your last question:
They are marketed by the “TRANScience Corporation” of New York City. Buyer beware.
I can tell you from personal experience that this might not be the best idea you’ve come up with.