Fun trivia . . .

Which blonde, pushing 40, imao t-shirt babe puked in a shopping bag in my minivan today, and then hung it out the window til she got to a trash can to through it away!?

Peter’s part is in sarahk’s key . . .

What was she thinking?

I don’t know what it is about her, but she creeps me out.

Where was all this stuff 6 weeks ago when it could have made a huge difference?

Get well soon Mahmoud . . . .

MIAMI, FLORIDA (AP) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has fallen ill due to exhaustion brought on by his nonstop door-to-door campaigning for Barrack Hussein Obama in the South Beach area of Miami, Florida, a close associate has told CNN. “The president will eventually get well and continue campaigning,” said the associate, “no one knows better than Mahmoud how critical an Obama White House is for the success of Iran’s nuclear research program and its supremacy in the Middle East.” In fact, Iranian hardliners have optimistically dubbed the coming Obama administration as “Jimmy Carter 2.0.”

What, you mean Pelousi’s mission of appeasment DIDN’T work? Knock me over with a feather . . .

US special forces launch rare attack inside Syria

DAMASCUS, Syria, April 4, 2007 — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her delegation said they had frank words with President Bashar al-Assad and other senior Syrian officials here on Wednesday, pressing the president over Syria’s support for militant groups and insisting that his government block militants seeking to cross into Iraq and join insurgents there.

Important message from Fred Thompson . . .

Hmmmmmmmm . . . .

McCain campaign volunteer robbed by Obama supporter who carved “B” into his cheek . . .

BOISE, IDAHO — AP — A McCain campaign volunteer was robbed early this morning by an Obama supporter who carved a “B” into his cheek after seeing a McCain-Palin bumper sticker on his car. Frank J. Fleming informed police he was robbed and assaulted at knifepoint by a 6-foot-4 black man near an ATM in Boise. Fleming said the attacker told him he was going to teach him a lesson for supporting McCain, and that he was going to be a “Barack supporter.”

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I guess there is hope for peace in the Middle East . . .

A displaced Christian woman receives humanitarian supplies from the Red Crescent organization in a church in Baghdad October 23, 2008. About 45 Christian family who fled from Mosul city due recent attacks received humanitarian aid from The Red Crescent on Thursday, Red Crescent official said.

Former IMAO t-shirt babe immortalized in wax . . .


Breaking down cultural barriers . . .

Embarrassed looks all around when Pakistani picnickers misunderstand potato sack race concept at unity pajama party.

Righhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttt . . .

Just add Jimmy Carter

It takes a big plunger to plunge a big load of . . .

It could happen . . . ?